Capitomcat is library for creating Capistrano Tomcat recipe. Capitomcat includes basic tasks for Tomcat deployment. You can create easily your own Capistrano 3 recipe for Tomcat with Capitomcat.
##See Also
- Home page :
- Source Repo:
##Requirement ###Gem Dependency
- Ruby >= 1.9
- Capistrano >= 3.0.1
By the recommendation of Capistrano 3, Capitomcat use SSH Key and NOPASSWD instead of asking password.
for more details, please refer to [Authentication & Authorisation][1] page on Capistrano website. [1]: ####User account setting
root@remote $ adduser <your_deploy_user_name>
root@remote $ passwd -l <your_deploy_user_name>
root@remote $ adduser --home /home/deploy --disabled-password deploy
####SSH Key setting
Add your SSH key into authorized_keys
file of deploy
user on your remote server.
####NOPASSWD Setting for SUDO
Folowing NOPASSWD setting is required. please add following setting into your /etc/sudoers
%your_deploy_user_name ALL=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.d/tomcat7 <Your tomcat command>
%your_deploy_user_name ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/chown
%your_deploy_user_name ALL=(<your_tomcat_user> : <your_tomcat_user_group>) NOPASSWD: ALL
##Installation To use Capitomcat in your Capistrano script, you need install as RubyGem
###Install Ruby Please refer to Download Ruby page on the Ruby official website. ###Install RubyGems Please refer to Download RubyGems page on the RubyGems official website. ###Install Capistrano Capitomcat v1.0.0 supports Capistrano 3. (Capitomcat v0.0.x supports Capistrano 2)
$ gem install capistrano -v 3.0.1
###Install Capitomcat
$ gem install capitomcat
role :app, %w{deploy@dev01 deploy@dev02}
set :use_sudo, true # Remote Tomcat server setting section set :tomcat_user, 'tomcat7' set :tomcat_user_group, 'tomcat7' set :tomcat_port, '8080' set :tomcat_cmd, '/etc/init.d/tomcat7' set :use_tomcat_user_cmd, false set :tomcat_war_file, '/var/app/war/test-web.war' set :tomcat_context_path, '/test-web' set :tomcat_context_file, '/var/lib/tomcat7/conf/Catalina/localhost/test-web.xml' set :tomcat_work_dir, '/var/lib/tomcat7/work/Catalina/localhost/test-web' # Deploy setting section set :local_war_file, '/tmp/test-web.war' set :context_template_file, File.expand_path('../templates/context.xml.erb', __FILE__).to_s set :use_context_update, false set :use_parallel, false set :use_context_update, false
You can get task name of Capitomcat by run cap -T
cap capitomcat:deploy # Capitomcat Recipe for Tomcat web application deployment
###Documentation is still working on...
♥For more details, please refer to example recipes.♥
Copyright 2014 Sunggun Yu Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.