Serving big images is for numb-skulls! Compress and optimise your imagery during middleman build
by running image_optim over it. Aww yiss!
Go set up the image_optim external utilities, then;
gem 'middleman-imageoptim'
gem "middleman-imageoptim", :git => "", :branch => "master"
activate :imageoptim
You can also configure the extension in the usual fashion, by passing a block to :activate
Below is the default configuration showing all available options;
activate :imageoptim do |options|
# Use a build manifest to prevent re-compressing images between builds
options.manifest = true
# Silence problematic image_optim workers
options.skip_missing_workers = true
# Cause image_optim to be in shouty-mode
options.verbose = false
# Setting these to true or nil will let options determine them (recommended)
options.nice = true
options.threads = true
# Image extensions to attempt to compress
options.image_extensions = %w(.png .jpg .gif .svg)
# Compressor worker options, individual optimisers can be disabled by passing
# false instead of a hash
options.advpng = { :level => 4 }
options.gifsicle = { :interlace => false }
options.jpegoptim = { :strip => ['all'], :max_quality => 100 }
options.jpegtran = { :copy_chunks => false, :progressive => true, :jpegrescan => true }
options.optipng = { :level => 6, :interlace => false }
options.pngcrush = { :chunks => ['alla'], :fix => false, :brute => false }
options.pngout = { :copy_chunks => false, :strategy => 0 }
options.svgo = {}
- Minor bugfix for 3.3.9 support.
- Big cleanup to codebase.
- More tests.
- Caching between builds using a manifest file to skip over already-compressed assets (thanks for your work on this @jagthedrummer).
- Updates
gem to latest version (0.20.2
). - Adds dependency on
to ensure that binaries are available.
- Respect plugin ordering in config.rb (thanks @jeffutter) #8.
- Fix missing license in gemspec.
- Minor bugfix.
- Remove legacy requirement for padrino.
- Complete refactor and clean-up.
- Introduced an options class. options now work (lol, yay!), thanks @andrew-aladev for your help there.
- Change of extension activation name from
for consistency with internal naming.