H2GIS is a spatial extension of the H2 database
engine in the spirit of PostGIS. It adds support for
managing spatial features and operations on the new Geometry
type of H2, the Open
Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Simple Features
for SQL (SFSQL) functions and
additional spatial functions that we (the Atelier SIG)
develop. There is currently about 70 spatial functions in H2GIS.
H2GIS is the root project for the new OrbisGIS data management library and is divided into two subprojects: H2Spatial and H2Drivers, both of which are licensed under the GPL 3 license terms.
H2Spatial extends H2 by adding spatial storage and analysis capabilities, including
- a constraint on
data type storingPOINT
types in WKB representations - spatial operators (
, etc.) - spatial predicates (
, etc.)
Additional spatial SQL functions that are not in Simple Features for SQL (SFSQL)
Ex: ST_Extent
, ST_Explode
H2Drivers add H2 read/write support for file formats such as .shp, .dbf, .geojson, .gpx
This package include 2 implementation of TableEngine that allow you to immediatly 'link' a table with a shape file.
It include also file copy functions:
- SHPREAD( ) and SHPWRITE( ) to read and write Esri shape files.
- DBFREAD( ) and DBFWRITE( ) to read and write DBase III files.
- GeoJsonRead() and GeoJsonWrite() to read and write GeoJSON files.
- GPXRead() to read GPX files.
For now, H2GIS requires Java 6. Run maven clean install -P standalone
in the H2GIS's root directory.
In the folder h2-dist/target/
you will find a zip file h2gis-standalone-bin.zip
.Unzip the file then open h2-dist-1.1.1.jar
It will open a browser based console application.
~ $ unzip h2gis-standalone-bin.zip
~ $ cd h2gis-standalone
~/h2gis-standalone $ java -jar h2-dist-1.1.1.jar
Click Connect in the web interface
Create a database and run the following commands to add spatial features (do it only after the creation of a new database):
CREATE ALIAS IF NOT EXISTS SPATIAL_INIT FOR "org.h2gis.h2spatialext.CreateSpatialExtension.initSpatialExtension";
You can open a shapefile by calling the following SQL request:
CALL FILE_TABLE('/home/user/myshapefile.shp', 'tablename');
This special table will be immediatly created (no matter the file size). The content will allways be synchronized with the file content.
You can also copy the content of the file into a regular H2 table:
CALL SHPREAD('/home/user/myshapefile.shp', 'tablename');
Or copy the content of a spatial table in a new shape file:
CALL SHPWRITE('/home/user/newshapefile.shp', 'tablename');
The H2GIS team utilizes open source software. Specifically, we would like to thank :
- Thomas Mueller and Noel Grandin from the [H2 database community] (http://www.h2database.com)
- Martin Davis from the [JTS community] (http://tsusiatsoftware.net/jts/main.html)