All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
create | POST /players | Create a player |
get | GET /players/{playerId} | Retrieve a player |
update | PATCH /players/{playerId} | Update a player |
delete | DELETE /players/{playerId} | Delete a player |
list | GET /players | List all player themes |
uploadLogo | POST /players/{playerId}/logo | Upload a logo |
deleteLogo | DELETE /players/{playerId}/logo | Delete logo |
open class func create(playerThemeCreationPayload: PlayerThemeCreationPayload, completion: @escaping (_ data: PlayerTheme?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
open class func create(playerThemeCreationPayload: PlayerThemeCreationPayload, completion: @escaping (_ result: Swift.Result<Response<PlayerTheme>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void)
Create a player
Create a player for your video, and customise it.
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ApiVideoClient
let playerThemeCreationPayload = PlayerThemeCreationPayload(name: "name_example", text: "text_example", link: "link_example", linkHover: "linkHover_example", linkActive: "linkActive_example", trackPlayed: "trackPlayed_example", trackUnplayed: "trackUnplayed_example", trackBackground: "trackBackground_example", backgroundTop: "backgroundTop_example", backgroundBottom: "backgroundBottom_example", backgroundText: "backgroundText_example", enableApi: false, enableControls: false, forceAutoplay: false, hideTitle: false, forceLoop: false) // PlayerThemeCreationPayload |
// Create a player
PlayerThemesAPI.create(playerThemeCreationPayload: playerThemeCreationPayload) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
playerThemeCreationPayload | PlayerThemeCreationPayload |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func get(playerId: String, completion: @escaping (_ data: PlayerTheme?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
open class func get(playerId: String, completion: @escaping (_ result: Swift.Result<Response<PlayerTheme>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void)
Retrieve a player
Retreive a player theme by player id.
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ApiVideoClient
let playerId = "playerId_example" // String | The unique identifier for the player you want to retrieve.
// Retrieve a player
PlayerThemesAPI.get(playerId: playerId) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
playerId | String | The unique identifier for the player you want to retrieve. |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func update(playerId: String, playerThemeUpdatePayload: PlayerThemeUpdatePayload, completion: @escaping (_ data: PlayerTheme?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
open class func update(playerId: String, playerThemeUpdatePayload: PlayerThemeUpdatePayload, completion: @escaping (_ result: Swift.Result<Response<PlayerTheme>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void)
Update a player
Use a player ID to update specific details for a player. NOTE: It may take up to 10 min before the new player configuration is available from our CDN.
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ApiVideoClient
let playerId = "playerId_example" // String | The unique identifier for the player.
let playerThemeUpdatePayload = PlayerThemeUpdatePayload(name: "name_example", text: "text_example", link: "link_example", linkHover: "linkHover_example", linkActive: "linkActive_example", trackPlayed: "trackPlayed_example", trackUnplayed: "trackUnplayed_example", trackBackground: "trackBackground_example", backgroundTop: "backgroundTop_example", backgroundBottom: "backgroundBottom_example", backgroundText: "backgroundText_example", enableApi: false, enableControls: false, forceAutoplay: false, hideTitle: false, forceLoop: false) // PlayerThemeUpdatePayload |
// Update a player
PlayerThemesAPI.update(playerId: playerId, playerThemeUpdatePayload: playerThemeUpdatePayload) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
playerId | String | The unique identifier for the player. | |
playerThemeUpdatePayload | PlayerThemeUpdatePayload |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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open class func delete(playerId: String, completion: @escaping (_ data: Void?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
open class func delete(playerId: String, completion: @escaping (_ result: Swift.Result<Response<Void>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void)
Delete a player
Delete a player if you no longer need it. You can delete any player that you have the player ID for.
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ApiVideoClient
let playerId = "playerId_example" // String | The unique identifier for the player you want to delete.
// Delete a player
PlayerThemesAPI.delete(playerId: playerId) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
playerId | String | The unique identifier for the player you want to delete. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func list(sortBy: SortBy_list? = nil, sortOrder: SortOrder_list? = nil, currentPage: Int? = nil, pageSize: Int? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ data: PlayerThemesListResponse?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
open class func list(sortBy: SortBy_list? = nil, sortOrder: SortOrder_list? = nil, currentPage: Int? = nil, pageSize: Int? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ result: Swift.Result<Response<PlayerThemesListResponse>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void)
List all player themes
Retrieve a list of all the player themes you created, as well as details about each one.
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ApiVideoClient
let sortBy = "sortBy_example" // String | createdAt is the time the player was created. updatedAt is the time the player was last updated. The time is presented in ATOM UTC format. (optional)
let sortOrder = "sortOrder_example" // String | Allowed: asc, desc. Ascending for date and time means that earlier values precede later ones. Descending means that later values preced earlier ones. (optional)
let currentPage = 987 // Int | Choose the number of search results to return per page. Minimum value: 1 (optional) (default to 1)
let pageSize = 987 // Int | Results per page. Allowed values 1-100, default is 25. (optional) (default to 25)
// List all player themes
PlayerThemesAPI.list(sortBy: sortBy, sortOrder: sortOrder, currentPage: currentPage, pageSize: pageSize) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
sortBy | String | createdAt is the time the player was created. updatedAt is the time the player was last updated. The time is presented in ATOM UTC format. | [optional] |
sortOrder | String | Allowed: asc, desc. Ascending for date and time means that earlier values precede later ones. Descending means that later values preced earlier ones. | [optional] |
currentPage | Int | Choose the number of search results to return per page. Minimum value: 1 | [optional] [default to 1] |
pageSize | Int | Results per page. Allowed values 1-100, default is 25. | [optional] [default to 25] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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open class func uploadLogo(playerId: String, file: URL, link: String? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ data: PlayerTheme?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
open class func uploadLogo(playerId: String, file: URL, link: String? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ result: Swift.Result<Response<PlayerTheme>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void)
Upload a logo
Upload an image file as a logo for your player. The image should fit within these constraints: - The image mime type must be image/jpeg
or image/png
. recommends using png
images with transparent background. - The image size should be a maximum of 200px width x 100px. - The file size should be a maximum of 100 KiB.
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ApiVideoClient
let playerId = "playerId_example" // String | The unique identifier for the player.
let file = URL(string: "")! // URL | The name of the file you want to use for your logo.
let link = "link_example" // String | A public link that you want to advertise in your player. For example, you could add a link to your company. When a viewer clicks on your logo, they will be taken to this address. (optional)
// Upload a logo
PlayerThemesAPI.uploadLogo(playerId: playerId, file: file, link: link) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
playerId | String | The unique identifier for the player. | |
file | URL | The name of the file you want to use for your logo. | |
link | String | A public link that you want to advertise in your player. For example, you could add a link to your company. When a viewer clicks on your logo, they will be taken to this address. | [optional] |
- Content-Type: multipart/form-data
- Accept: application/json
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open class func deleteLogo(playerId: String, completion: @escaping (_ data: Void?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)
open class func deleteLogo(playerId: String, completion: @escaping (_ result: Swift.Result<Response<Void>, ErrorResponse>) -> Void)
Delete logo
Delete the logo associated to a player.
// The following code samples are still beta. For any issue, please report via
import ApiVideoClient
let playerId = "playerId_example" // String | The unique identifier for the player.
// Delete logo
PlayerThemesAPI.deleteLogo(playerId: playerId) { (response, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if (response) {
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
playerId | String | The unique identifier for the player. |
Void (empty response body)
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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