made this for me, if you'd like to improve anything feel free to do so. cmds and install instructions are down below
# make sure you have developer mode enabled to copy ids, if you don't already go to settings > advanced > enable developer mode
# purge messages from bottom to top
.p (will use current channel) OR .p snowflake (dm/group/channel)
# purge messages from top to bottom
.pold (will use current channel) OR .pold snowflake (dm/group/channel)
# purge messages before snowflake (message id, e.g: 1049011454973579274) - will not delete the message id used if it's yours
.pbefore channel snowflake
# purge messages after snowflake (message id, e.g: 1049011454973579274) - will not delete the message id used if it's yours
.pafter channel snowflake
# purge messages between snowflakes (message id, e.g: 1049011454973579274) - will not delete the message id used if it's yours
.pinbetween channel snowflake1 snowflake2
download python (3.10+):
download git (windows):
download selfcord:
# Windows
py -3.10 -m pip install git+[voice]
# Linux/macOS
python3.10 -m pip install git+[voice]
python3.10 or above is required, you can use different versions by doing py -3.10
or python3.10
after you're done installing python/git/selfcord:
git clone
code snippet to get token from console (browser or discord client):
(webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[''],{},e=>{m=[];for(let c in e.c)m.push(e.c[c])}]),m).find(m=>m?.exports?.default?.getToken!==void 0).exports.default.getToken()
and change token_here
to your token
once you're done editing, start entropy:
# Windows
py -3.10
# Linux/macOS