A Spotify widget playing an artist's least popular tracks - built with polymer
- Web-app using the widget: http://longtail.mdg.io
- Background reading: http://apassant.net/2014/07/05/long-tail-spotify-polymer
The easiest way is to install via Bower:
bower install long-tail
Import polyfill
<script src="bower_components/platform/platform.js"></script>
Import custom element
<script src="bower_components/platform/platform.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/long-tail/long-tail.html">
Load element
<long-tail artist="4tZwfgrHOc3mvqYlEYSvVi" size="25"></long-tail>
- artist: A spotify artist ID
- size: Number of tracks (max/default = 50)
Alexandre Passant [http://apassant.net] + [http://mdg.io]