Manage monkey jobs and analyze all the running logs that will determine which kind of abnormality a crash belongs to Introduction
- Install Android application, run Monkey testing job, analyze and classify crash automatically
- Dalvik Crash, ANR, Native Crash supported
- Dulplicated abnormality classification
- HTML-format report supported
- Multiple platform supported(Windows, Mac, Linux)
- Jenkins platform supported
Usage of Android Monkey Adapter runner
usage: java -jar jarfile [-options/ --options]...
-d,--device-id <arg> the id list of the devices which is need to
run monkey test
-h,--help Output help information!
-n,--pkg-name <arg> package name of this appliacation
-p,--pkg-path <arg> point to an Android application path in the
-r,--user-name <arg> user name of this job owner
-s,--single-duration <arg> expected one monkey job duration (hour)
-t,--series-duration <arg> expected total monkey jobs duration (hour)
-u,--unlock-cmd-path <arg> point to an unlock script path which must be
standalone executable
-v,--pkg-version <arg> version of this application
Usage of Android Monkey Adapter analyzer
usage: java -jar jarfile [-options/ --options]...
options are as below:
-b,--bugreport-log-file-name <arg> File name of bugreport log.
-d,--duration <arg> Expected uration of single monkey
job(8 hours or 4.5 hours).
-h,--help Output help information!
-l,--logcat-log-file-name <arg> File name of logcat log.
-m,--monkey-log-file-name <arg> File name of monkey log.
-n,--package-name <arg> Package name of an Android
-p,--properties-file-name <arg> File name of each monkey running
-t,--traces-log-file-name <arg> File name of traces log.
-w,--workspaces <w> Workspace of monkey running
java -jar monkey-adapter-runner.jar --device-id 45071c540c04197 --user-name xxxxxx --pkg-path ./example.apk --pkg-name com.example --pkg-version 3.0 --single-duration 8 --series-duration 8
java -jar monkey-adapter-analyzer.jar --workspaces ./logs/ --monkey-log-file-name monkey_log.txt --logcat-log-file-name logcat_log.txt --traces-log-file-name traces_log.txt --bugreport-log-file-name bugreport_log.txt --properties-file-name properties.txt --duration 8 --package-name com.example
Here is a easier example of using this tool which encapsulates the jarfile operations.
git clone
cd Android-Monkey-Adapter/dist/
# executing encapsulated script
sh <device id> <user> <apk file path> <apk package name> <version number> <duration>
# example: sh emulator-5554 alex example.apk com.example 1.0 8