Migration Vermeer to hugegraph-computer #316
6 new alerts including 6 high severity security vulnerabilities
New alerts in code changed by this pull request
Security Alerts:
- 6 high
See annotations below for details.
Check failure on line 240 in vermeer/apps/graphio/hugegraph.go
Code scanning / CodeQL
Incorrect conversion between integer types High
to a lower bit size type uint32 without an upper bound check.
Check failure on line 247 in vermeer/apps/graphio/hugegraph.go
Code scanning / CodeQL
Incorrect conversion between integer types High
to a lower bit size type uint32 without an upper bound check.
Check failure on line 111 in vermeer/apps/master/services/http_task.go
Code scanning / CodeQL
Incorrect conversion between integer types High
to a lower bit size type int32 without an upper bound check.
Check failure on line 141 in vermeer/apps/master/services/http_task.go
Code scanning / CodeQL
Incorrect conversion between integer types High
to a lower bit size type int32 without an upper bound check.
Check failure on line 222 in vermeer/apps/master/services/http_tasks.go
Code scanning / CodeQL
Incorrect conversion between integer types High
to a lower bit size type int32 without an upper bound check.
Check failure on line 203 in vermeer/apps/master/threshold/store.go
Code scanning / CodeQL
Incorrect conversion between integer types High
to a lower bit size type uint without an upper bound check.