Apache Release 2.0.0
This is a major release and includes the following:
- Significant refactoring in PR #129 that refines the public API and restricts access to the package internals using the JPMS in Java9+.
- PR #131 maintains existing support for Java 8 and adds support for Java 9 up to Java 13. In Java9+, the library can now be declared as a JPMS module dependency in user applications.
- Includes changes to how the RequestMemoryServer is managed in #136, #138 and #139
- Improved documentation for developers and the end user including usage in Java9+ applications.
This release is restricted to compile and run on Java 8 and 11. Based on other users experiences, it will run (but not compile) on Java 17 as long as one doesn't attempt to allocate off-heap memory using the allocateDirect(...) call. But we don't officially support this limited configuration.