The study investigates the discourse of neoliberalism in the People's Daily newspaper around 1989, aiming to understand how neoliberal ideology was represented and contested within this significant publication during a pivotal moment in global political and economic dynamics, especially considering China's political landscape.
The corpus consists of articles from the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, spanning from 1985 to 1995. This period includes the pre-Tiananmen Incident, the Tiananmen Incident itself, and the post-Tiananmen period, providing a rich dataset for examining the discourse of neoliberalism and its interaction with China's socialist foundations.
I covered all methods from first 4 weeks, which satisfy the minimum of 3. The study employs a quantitative content analysis approach complemented by qualitative textual examination. Advanced computational techniques, including word and phrase frequency analysis, clustering, topic modeling, and Word2Vec models, are used to identify and analyze the representation of neoliberal concepts, ideological underpinnings, and their implications within the corpus. This methodological framework aims to reveal the nuanced ways in which neoliberal ideology has been propagated, resisted, or negotiated within the People's Daily.
text_data_analysis.ipynb: This file contains all analysis and visulization
text_data_preparation_EDA.ipynb: This file preprocesses the text data and provide EDA analyis.
causal_inference_DiD.ipynb: causal inference model