This repository contains code for Constrained Model-Based Policy Optimization (CMBPO), a model-based version of Constrained Policy Optimization (Achiam et al.). Installation, execution and code examples for the reproduction of the experiments described in Safe Continuous Control with Constrained Model-Based Policy Optimization are provided below.
- The simulation experiments using mujoco-Py require a working install of MuJoCo 2.0 and a valid license.
- We use conda environments for installs (tested on conda 4.6 - 4.10), please refer to Anaconda for instructions.
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Create a conda environment using the cmbpo yml-file
cd Constrained-Model-Based-Policy-Optimization/
conda env create -f cmbpo.yml
conda activate cmbpo
pip install -e .
This should create a conda environment labeled 'cmbpo' with the necessary packages and modules. The number of required modules is limited, so it is worth taking a look at the cmbpo.yml and requirements.txt files in case of troubles with the installs.
To start an experiment with cmbpo, run
cmbpo run_local configs.baseconfig --config=configs.cmbpo_hcs --gpus=1 --trial-gpus=1
-- config
specifies the configuration file for experiment (here: CMBPO for HalfCheetahSafe)
-- gpus
specifies the number of gpus to use
A list of all available flags is provided in baseconfig/utils. As of writing,only local running is supported. For further options, refer to the ray documentation.
The cmbpo
command uses the console scripts as an entry point for running experiments. A simple workflow of running experiments with ray-tune is illustrated in, which can be executed with
python scripts/ configs.cmbpo_hcs
Constrained Model-Based Policy Optimization aims at combining Constrained Policy Optimization with model-based data augmentation and reconciling constraint satisfaction with the entailed model-errors.
This repository can therefore also be used to run experiments with model-free versions of Constrained Policy Optimization and Trust-Region Policy Optimization by configuring the use_model
and constrain_cost
flags accordingly in the experiment configurations (see CPO - HalfCheetahSafe and TRPO - HalfCheetahSafe):
'use_model': False, # set to True for model-based
'constrain_cost': False, # set to True for cost-constrained optimziation
Different environments can be tested by creating a config file in the configs directory. OpenAi gym environments can be loaded directly with the corresponding parameters, for example:
'universe': 'gym',
'task': 'HalfCheetahSafe-v2',
Environments from other sources require an entry in the ENVS_FUNCTIONS
dict in the environment utils that specifies how to create an instance of the environment. For example, the Gym environments are specified with the following entries:
def get_gym_env():
import gym
return gym.make
When using a model with custom environments, the model requires a few interfaces to function with the provided code. The base model should be inherited by a learned (or handcrafted) model and specify whether rewards, costs, and termination functions are predicted alongside the dynamics.
By default our algorithm learns to predict rewards but assumes handcrafted cost- and termination-functions c(s,a,s')
and t(s,a,s')
. When adding a new environment, these functions should be defined (if not provided by the model) in the statics file. For example, a default termination function that continues episodes for all states looks like this:
def no_done(obs, act, next_obs):
assert len(obs.shape) == len(next_obs.shape) == len(act.shape)
done = np.zeros(shape=obs.shape[:-1], dtype=np.bool) #always false
done = done[...,None]
return done
The static functions should then be linked by the environments' task name, such that the Fake Environment correctly discovers them:
Hyperparameters for a new experiment can be defined in the configs folder. The general form of our config files follows the following structure:
params = {
'universe': 'gym',
'task': 'HalfCheetahSafe-v2',
'algorithm_params': {...},
'buffer_params': {...},
'sampler_params': {...},
'run_params': {...},
Parameters specified in a config file overwrite the base config file. For new algorithms or a new suite of environments, it might be practical to directly change the base config.
In addition to model-parameters and policy-parameters, the main parameters of concern in CMPBO define rollout- and sampling-behavior of the algorithm.
'n_initial_exploration_steps': int(10000), ### number of initial exploration steps for model-learning and
# determining uncertainty calibration measurements
'sampling_alpha': 2, ### temperature for boltzman-sampling
'rollout_mode' : 'uncertainty', ### model rollouts terminate based on per-step uncertainty
'rollout_schedule': [10, 500, 5, 30], ### if rollout_mode:'schedule' this schedule is defined as
# [min_epoch, max_epoch, min_horizon, max_horizon]
## if rollout_mode:'uncertainty', 'min_horizon' is used as
# the initial rollout horizon and adapted throughout
# training based on per-step uncertainty estimates
# (KL-Divergence).
'batch_size_policy': 50000, ### batch size per policy update
'initial_real_samples_per_epoch': 1500, ### initial number of real samples per policy update,
# adapted throughout training based on average uncertainty
# estimates (mean KL-Divergence).
'min_real_samples_per_epoch': 500, ### absolute minimum number of real samples per policy update
A range of measurements is logged automatically in tensorboard, the parameter configuration is saved as a JSON file. The location for summaries and checkpoints can be defined by specifying a 'log_dir'
in the configuration files. By default, this location will be set to '~/ray_cmbpo/{env-taks}/defaults/{seed}'
and can be accessed with tensorboard by
tensorboard --logdir ~/ray_cmbpo/<env>/defaults/<seed_dir>
Several sections of this repository contain code from other repositories, notably from Tuomas Haarnoja, Kristian Hartikainen's, Michael Janner, Kurtland Chua, and CPO by Joshua Achiam and Alex Ray.