The models can be found under ddpg/CARLA or stable_baselines/carla_env_MIF or A3C_continuous
For the stable baselines models use the parameters MODE and SMODE to define the model and the running mode
For the DDPG use the run.py for configuration and start up
Models can also be reloaded in the stable baselines file, we pushed some of the models - the most recent ones perform the best
We have also pushed a custom PPO implementation
to switch input states, modify flags
self._data_gen self._use_front_ae self._use_birdseye
in the carla_env script (warning: switch training model to CNN/MLP policy in carla_env_MIF to fit the input)
- The implementation of the encoder-decoder architecture can be found under semantic_birdseyeview
- There are also some models pushed
- separate requirements.txt in semantic_birdseyeview
- use the script train_model_rgb to train the birds-eye-view based on rgb images (should located in a "camera_storage" folder as npy)
- use the script train_model_semantic to train the birds-eye-view based on segmented images (should located in a "camera_storage" folder as npy)
- We used the carla_rllib wrapper from Sven Müller
- We have done some adjustments for the terminal condition and the sensor types under carlarllib/wrapper/carla_wrapper.py
- The observation space and reward function are modified in carlarllib/environment/carla_environment/carla_environment.py
virtualenv -p python3 carla_env
source carla_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
get CARLA 0.9.6
download precompiled versionedit CARLA_ROOT in bashrc(add following lines if necessary):
(pythonpath necessary to point python to carla_rllib (maybe not necessary in future versions))export CARLA_ROOT=<dir>/carla_0.9.6/ export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:<dir>/carla_rllib/" export PATH=$PATH:$CARLA_ROOT
Clone wrapper repo
git clone https://ids-git.fzi.de/svmuelle/carla_rllib.git
set up virtual environment, Python should be 3.5.0
checkout branch develop
git checkout develop
Install the required python packages into your virtual environment:
cd carla_rllib pip install .
run test files:
python carla_env_test.py
If you have errors, check Versions, python, carla client and carla server have to be the same version if carla pip installs are existent, check versions
pip list --local
remove pip version if not 0.9.6 and use egg files to reinstall carla
pip uninstall carla cd <dir>/carla_0.9.6/PythonAPI/carla/dist/ easy_install carla-0.9.6-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg
run CARLA_UE4.sh (or SDL_VIDEODRIVER=offscreen SDL_HINT_CUDA_DEVICE=0 sh CarlaUE4.sh )
run wrapper test files (in carla_rllib/examples)
python carla_env_test.py