SC_Spat is a framework for real-time sound spatialization, based on SuperCollider. It combines different technologies and toolboxes, allowing an easy customization of rendering servers. This repository features several application-specific tools which may serve as templates for new projects.
The HOA part and the binaural rendering are also based on the SC-HOA library. Using the SC-HOA library requires the SC3-Plugins:
The quark is needed for the HOA classes:
Building custom decoders depends on the Ambisonic Decoder Toolbox, using Faust and Octave. It is a little bit tricky the first time but actually well documented in the help files of the SC-HOA externals.
The ADT can be directly included as a git submodule:
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
ADT Bugfixes:
There are some necessary changes
to the Octave script run_dec_*.m
created by the SC-HOA tools.
Set plot flag == false segfaults otherwise.
The function call for the faust compiler has to be changed to:
% convert the faustfile generated with the abisonics decoder toolkit from above into scsynth and supernova Ugens
unix(["faust2supercollider -noprefix -sn -ks ",out_path,num2str(order,0),".dsp"]);
Read this before creating loudspeaker configs for the IEM allrad decoder.
Puredata examples can be used to control the SC_SPAT server. They require the PD external 'mrpeach' for OSC communication.
The visualization patches included in the repository are designed to get a simple impression of the sources' spatial distribution. Install GEM for using the visualization patches.