The polygon-did method specification is complaint with the DID requirements specified by W3C Creredentials Community Group. For a detailed read on DID and other DID method specifications, one can refer this
The Polygon DID method allows any Ethereum key pair account to become a valid identity. For registration of the DID Document, a smart contract has been deployed on polygon testnet and main net on addresses specified at registry-contract
The controller of each identity is originally set to controller.
The polygon-register-smart-contract is deployed on
- Polygon Mainnet
- Polygon Testnet
The DID uri for Polygon specific DID method is: 'polygon' . A DID compatible with Polygon network will entail a prefix "did:polygon". This is fixed, and always in lower case based upon the DID specifications.
For the polygon DID representation, the MSI (Method Specific Identifier) is an ethereum address, which can also be called as a Hex encoded secp256k1 compressed public key.
To be noted: The address corresponding to the user's private key or generated private key, is supposed to be used to carry out functions like Create, Resolve, Update and Delete. The account should also hold a minimum balance of Matic tokens to pay as gas.
For this specification To create a polygon DID, the user is required to either hold a private key, of a Ethereum walllet, or the user can opt to generate one. For both cases the user summons the 'createDID' function with his available private key as parameter or without parameter if a new key pair needs to be genrated. The above said function returns:
<address, publicKeyBase58, privateKey, DID_uri>
Next the user will initiate a call to the registerDID function with his generated DID uri and private Key and other parameters as contract address and RPC url(for chain identification). The function will create a corresponding DID Document of format given below and it will be logged on chain.
"@context": "",
"id": "did:polygon:0x2C020b0112A1B98C1BB5FC490C44772357E73803",
"verificationMethod": [{
"id": "did:polygon:0x2C020b0112A1B98C1BB5FC490C44772357E73803",
"type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019",
"controller": "did:polygon:0x2C020b0112A1B98C1BB5FC490C44772357E73803",
"publicKeyBase58": "7Lnm1frErwLwwZB1x2XbweLauYJpAZBjGxAXk55u248DEGGKF62apu9QuekaE3d7jMUUeHjk2F4sSYqKF3oeQ6b3ZLuMb"
Resolving a DID implies the act of fetching the DID doc registered on chain. The resolver when queried with a DID returns the associated DID doc. A query is sent out to fetch the registered DID Doc from the chain. This Doc is then used for signing or verification purposes.
A Universal Resolver is an identifier resolver that works with any decentralized identifier system, including Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs). Refer here. A driver for Polygon DID is added to universal resolver configurations to make it publicly accessible.
There is a set of rules pre-defined for how a DID document is supposed to be defined, but at times a need might arise to update the DID doc. So to help users update their DID doc, the Polygon DID method, has been enhanced with update DID functionality. This function is accessible only to the controller/owner of DID.
The owner of DID doc holds the authority to his instance of DID doc on chain, and to provide him with true ownership, the network facilitates the user with ability to delete his DID doc instance from the chain at any point of time. It should be noted that only the owner/controller of the DID Doc, will be allowed to delete the instance.