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Real time group messaging app
Start developing locally.
Before you get started make sure you sign up for these service providers
- (for Authentication)
- (for image uploads, optional)
clone this repo
Install all dependencies
# install server side deps
cd convoychat
npm install
# install client side deps
cd client
npm install
Environment variables
Now this is a bit tricky.
- create a new file .env in the root folder
- open .env.EXAMPLE
- copy the contents and paste it to the .env
And change all the dummy keys with your own valid ones.
Most importantly you'll need Auth0
Follow this guide -
Also it is important that you setup all the callback URLs correctly in Auth0 Dashboard.
(You can open an issue or contact me on twitter if you get stuck)
If you are working on a feature which includes image uploads you'll also need to setup cloudinary
Follow this guide -
Also it is important that you setup all the callback URLs correctly in Auth0 Dashboard.
Finally to start the server execute this script
npm run develop
- Main Dev scripts
- dev:tsc - Compiles typescript code
- dev:server - Runs and watches server for file changes
- dev:client - Runs the client side
- develop - Starts the app, runs dev:tsc, dev:server- dev:client at once
- Tests
- test:server - Run all tests for server
- test:client - Run all tests for client
- Codegen & Infra
- codegen - Runs graphql codegen for client
- lint - Runs ESlint
- lint:fix - Runs ESlint & Fixes,
- prettier - Runs prettier
You wanna contribute? wow amazing. thats great to hear.
After cloning & setting up the local project you can push the changes to your github fork and make a pull request.
git add .
git commit -m "feat: added new stuff"
Made with ❤️ and javascript