./bin/activemq start
./bin/activemq stop
starting AMQ with a config file
./bin/activemq start xbean:./conf/activemq-stomp.xml
./bin/activemq console
Sync consumer CD to the project directory to run the code
mvn compile exec:java
TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();
Prefetch 1 and asyn listner job-consumer and job-producer , random processing time set. Test with two consumers.
destination = session.createQueue("JOBQ.Work");
Open two windows for event-subscriber and one window for event-publisher
destination = session.createTopic("EVENTS.QUOTES");
Message message = session.createMessage();
For durable : set client id and also create durablesubscriber DurableTopics have limitions : either use queues or virtual destinations i.e. http://activemq.apache.org/virtual-destinations.html
Selecting Messages also known as content-based-routing - sql92 syntax event-publisher and selective-event-consumer that selects only with symbol goog
selector = System.getProperty("QuoteSel", "symbol = 'GOOG'");
AAPL: $ (881.46906)
GOOG: $ (534.5367)
MSFT: $ (232.24496)
mvn compile exec:java -DquoteSel="symbol='MSFT' AND price >= 800"
jms-requestor and jms-responder
request.setJMSReplyTo(responseQ); #response Queue property added.
responder = session.createProducer(null); # created anonymous producer to send message to any destination.
Example 6 : Schedule Message Delivery : Update activemq.xml set schedulerSupport=true in broker tag.
TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("Wake Up!");
message.setLongProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY, delay);
message.setLongProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULED_PERIOD, period);
message.setIntProperty(ScheduledMessage.AMQ_SCHEDULED_REPEAT, repeat);
Supports CRON scheduling, one can browser scheduled messages and also remove them.
##Example 7
advisory-generator and advisory-consumer MJUST for dynamic network brokers http://activemq.apache.org/advisory-message.html
##Example 8 : Embeded Broker
Update POM file in this case.
##Example 9: Connection Pooling
Pooling of Connections Pooling of Sessions Pooling of MessageProducer
##Example 10: Virtual Destinations
By default, whenever a topic is created with a name matching the pattern VirtualTopic., we gain access to the >feature known as Virtual Destinations. These Virtual Destinations allow us to send a message to a topic but create consumers >that have all the benefits of queue consumers, namely, those of load balancing and message persistence. Our queue consumers >just need to use their own naming convention to access the Virtual Destination functionality. Each consumer that we want to create must be named using the pattern Consumer..VirtualTopic.. http://activemq.apache.org/virtual-destinations.html
##Example 11: Failover
Faileover-consumer and failover-producer
private final String connectionUri = "failover:tcp://localhost:61616";
private final String connectionUri = "failover:(tcp://broker1:61616;tcp://broker2:61616)"
private final String connectionUri = "failover:(tcp://broker1:61616;tcp://broker2:61616)?randomize=false
By enabling the update cluster clients option in your ActiveMQ Broker-side configuration file, you can have the broker send >information to the clients that keeps their Failover transports updated on the brokers currently running in a cluster. >Enabling this feature is simple; you just update your configuration to look like the following snippet:
• • •
<transportConnectors> <transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://" updateClusterClients="true" updateClusterFilter="*A*,*B*" />
• • •
Now, in your client code, you only need to specify the address of the first broker in your cluster and the client will be updated as other brokers are added. It's also possible to have the brokers in a cluster rebalance the connected clients to more evenly distribute the load across the cluster using this update cluster client feature. http://activemq.apache.org/failover-transport-reference.html