There are 3 ways to use the Drools platform, this project showcases the differences:
- Embedded/Generate
- Inspect the
project to see how to use rules that are on your classpath : Any Rules in the classPath are added. i.e. src/main/resources/name.drlKIE_CONTAINER = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieClasspathContainer();
- dependency: drools-usage-patterns-model
- Scanner
- Inspect the
project to see how to use rules that are fetched with maven, potentially changing without updating your code! -
//The releaseId uses maven groupId, artifactId, and version to specify a kjar (set of rules)
String groupId = "com.rhc.drools.example";
String artifactId = "drools-usage-patterns-kjar";
String version = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT";
ReleaseId releaseId = KIE_SERVICES.newReleaseId(groupId, artifactId, version);
- dependency: drools-usage-patterns-model
- Remote
- Inspect the
project to see how to create a client for the realtime execution server, introduced in the latest version of Drools. -
//Creating a client to the KieServer requires a url, and username/password for a use with the 'kie-server' role.
String url = "http://localhost:8080/kie-server/services/rest/server";
String username = "kieserver";
String password = "Pass@123";
- drools-usage-patterns-kjar
- kjar with a single rule.
- dependency: drools-usage-patterns-model
- drools-usage-patterns-model
- jar with the person object on which the rule is applied.