This repositpry contains mobile automation using Appium on United-Airlines App.
- Cucumber Framework
- Ruby Language
- RubyMine IDE
- Appium for Automation
- clone the repository
- open the IDE(RubyMine)
- open the project using file tab--> open --> select project
- select the language - Ruby from preferences --> language and framework
- in terminal :
- run gem install cucumber (if you donot install cucumber)
- gem install appium-lib
- cucumber -t @home Along with that connect your device with your PC and open Appium Server and fill the desired capabilities and start session.
make a cucumber yml file 'home: --format html --out homepage.html --format pretty --tags @home,@signin'
in terminal - run the following command: 'cucumber -p home'
homepage.html is created in features folder .
Right click on homepage.html file and select the option "open with browser" and select Chrome.
You can see your cucumber report in browser