This repository contains the Named Entity Disambiguation tool based on DBpedia Spotlight. Providing that a DBpedia Spotlight Rest server for a given language is running, the ixa-pipe-ned module will take KAF or NAF as input (containing elements) and perform Named Entity Disambiguation for your language of choice.
Developed by IXA NLP Group ( for the 7th Framework OpeNER and NewsReader European projects.
The contents of the repository are the following:
+ src/ source files of ixa-pipe-ned
+ pom.xml
+ pom-naf.xml
In a snapshot:
- Install dbpedia-spotlight
- Compile ixa-pipe-ned module with mvn clean package
- Start dbpedia-spotlight server
- cat ner.kaf | ixa-pipe-ned/target/ixa-pipe-ned-1.0.jar -p $PORT_NUMBER
If you already have installed in your machine JDK7 and MAVEN 3, please go to step 3 directly. Otherwise, follow the detailed steps:
If you do not install JDK 1.7 in a default location, you will probably need to configure the PATH in .bashrc or .bash_profile:
export JAVA_HOME=/yourpath/local/java17
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
If you use tcsh you will need to specify it in your .login as follows:
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/java/java17
setenv PATH ${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
If you re-login into your shell and run the command
java -version
You should now see that your jdk is 1.7
Download MAVEN 3 from
Now you need to configure the PATH. For Bash Shell:
export MAVEN_HOME=/home/ragerri/local/apache-maven-3.0.4
export PATH=${MAVEN_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
For tcsh shell:
setenv MAVEN3_HOME ~/local/apache-maven-3.0.4
setenv PATH ${MAVEN3}/bin:{PATH}
If you re-login into your shell and run the command
mvn -version
You should see reference to the MAVEN version you have just installed plus the JDK 7 that is using.
Downloand from
- dbpedia-spotlight.jar
- German model: de.tar.gz
- English model: en.tar.gz or en_small.tar.gz
- Spanish model: es.tar.gz
- French model: fr.tar.gz
- Italian model: it.tar.gz
- Dutch model: nl.tar.gz
Decompressed the language models
- tar xvf $lang.tar.gz
Install dbpedia-spotlight
- go to the directory the dbpedia-spotlight.jar is located
- execute: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=dbpedia-spotlight.jar -DgroupId=ixa -DartifactId=dbpedia-spotlight -Dversion=0.6 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true This command will install dbpedia-spotlight jar as a local maven repository
Start the application
- java -jar dbpedia-spotlight.jar $lang http://localhost:$port/rest
git clone [email protected]:ixa-ehu/ixa-pipe-ned.git
Install the ixa-pipe-ned module
To work with KAF files
mvn clean package
To work with NAF files
mvn -f pom-naf.xml clean package
This command will create a ixa-pipe-ned/target
directory containing the
ixa-pipe-ned-1.0.jar binary with all dependencies included.
The ixa-pipe-ned-1.0.jar requires a KAF or NAF document containing elements as standard input and provides Named Entity Disambiguation as standard output. It also requires the port number as argument. The port numbers assigned to each language are the following:
- de: 2010
- en: 2020
- es: 2030
- fr: 2040
- it: 2050
- nl: 2060
**Once you have a DBpedia Spotlight Rest server running you can send queries to it via the ixa-pipe-ned module as follows:
cat ner.kaf | java -jar ixa-pipe-ned-1.0.jar -p $PORT_NUMBER
For more options running ixa-pipe-ned
java -jar ixa-pipe-ned-1.0.jar -h
Rodrigo Agerri and Itziar Aldabe
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
E-20018 Donostia-San Sebastián