This repo offers awesome-bash
interpreter that is passing code to bash
offers quick one-line access to the set of libraries and functions
This will try to install awesome-bash into one of /usr/local/bin, /usr/bin or ~/bin
It will perform install if one of these locations are
in your PATH
Start new script using pre-defined stub:
awesome-bash --generate-stub > newscript
chmod +x newscript
Than edit newscript
to add new functionality
Once installed you can use scripts and includes in your scripts:
#!/usr/bin/env awesome-bash
# vim: ft=sh:
awesome_shell_help <<_HELP_
Script help to be displayed upon use of -h or --help CLI switches
awesome_shell_include messages
msg_inline "Simple test..."
vim: ft=sh:
will help with syntax highlighting on GitHub,
and in vim on your computer if modeline is enabled
Add awesome_shell_include [name-of-the-file-in-shell-libs]
if you need function from specific collection/library
If your script is stable and finalized and you do not want it to break due to updates to this repo, than you can lock down the commit version from this repo by using 'awesome-shell ref' as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env awesome-bash
#awesome-shell ref:737c1ca
awesome_shell_help <<_HELP_
Script help to be displayed upon use of -h or --help CLI switches
This help will produced by help module from commit
If you have multiple '#awesome-shell ref:' tags, only first one is honored.
Reference speficied in that tag affects all awesome_shell_include
If you get a script that references a version you do not have locally, than awesome-bash will try to fetch an update automatically.
Also if you would like to fetch updates manually, there is a short-cut:
$ awesome-bash --update
To get list of available modules & functions, run
$ awesome-bash --list-libraries
Preview above uses the following code snippet:
#!/usr/bin/env awesome-bash
awesome_shell_help <<_HELP_
This script demostrates abilities of help and messages module
Usage: $awesome_shell_script_name [-h|--help]
-h, --help this help
awesome_shell_include messages
header 'Messages module showcase'
silent_exec_with_title "Check if /usr/bin is writable by $USER..." '[ -w /usr/bin/ ]'
pause_with_delay_in_seconds 3
ask_to_confirm 'Perform status check?' && \
silent_exec_with_title 'Check if is up...' 'curl -f'
fatal_if_any_error ' is down. Terminating script.'
msg # just empty line
msg "Use verbose_exec to print command, its output and return status"
verbose_exec 'ls non-existing-file'
header 'Have fun!'