React app to learn the periodic table of elements using RESCORM (boilerplate for creating SCORM-compliant React applications).
- ECMAScript 6 and JSX support
- React 16.0.0
- React Router v4
- Redux
- Redux-thunk
- Redux DevTools extension
- SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 4th Editon support
- Webpack (v.3.6.0) and Webpack Dev Server (v.2.8.2)
- Hot Module Replacement using react-hot-loader
- Component testing using Enzyme and Jest
- ES6 linting with continuous linting on file change
- Separate CSS stylesheets generation
- SASS support
- Export Separate Vendor Files
- I18n
Visit the RESCORM wiki to see all the available documentation of the boilerplate including installation instructions.
Feel free to raise an issue or send us a message at GitHub.
RESCORM is available under MIT License.
This boilerplate has been developed based on ES6 React boilerplate using Webpack and react-iweb-boilerplate.