My professional website, deployed here:
This website has been - and is still - built as a showcase of me and my skills so people coming accross it can know me better and maybe engage a conversation. I tend to developp this in a very incremental way as you can see on the road map below, you can also notice that I have still work left to achieve my expectations.
- Dynamic html page with Vue.js and Bulma.css (template)
- Splitting page into Vue components
- Add vue-router and vuex
- Restarting from scratch with vue-cli
- Get my own domain
- Redesign without template
- Remove Bulma framework
- Deployment pipeline
- Interactive CV design 👷
- Redesign
- Add details for projects 👈
- Add details for skills
- Hobbies section
- Allow download from sources to pdf
- Improve perfs on Lighthouse audit
- Progressive Web Application