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19:25 2014-05-14

  • Been working on the Top-of-Mind (ToM) problem. Looking at vectors of sorts.
  • Eigenface, Antiface, Antisignal, working out concepts some more, "fleshing them out" as one says.
  • Working on Artificial Vision, or Machine Vision, genuine Machine Aesthetics, or Anaesthetics.


10:38 2024-05-23

  • I somehow managed not to keep logs longer than a single part of a single day and now it's been 10 years almost to the day I haven't kept logs here;
  • I say kept logs HERE because I've been keeping countless logs elsewhere;
  • As I wrote a lot about in my General Workflow Folder (in the Methods Folder in the Documentation Repository), I keep what I call distributed logs or ledgers if you will, in numerous different places, online and offline;
  • The basic idea is in distributing the risk, by adding a necessary REDUNDANCY in the case of extreme failure;
  • I've experienced too many failures in my life as an interdisciplinary artist-researcher that I have put certain processes and practices in place to mitigate them, if not outright help to prevent them in the first place;
  • Risk is something I take very seriously and think about constantly; (There are also Treats, which are an entirely different thing, and I take care to mitigate and leasen the effects of those too, on my Art Operation);
  • In any case, I will try to log some important things here in this LOG Repository at least in the coming months;
  • I am constantly reworking and revamping all my workflow management methodologies, making them as RIGOROUS and COMPREHENSIVE as possible;
  • It's forever a Work in Progress;

13:45 2024-05-23

  • I just came back from a nice, sizeable walk in the midday sun. It was grandiose. I had many great, profound experiences. I feel refreshed and reinvigorated;
  • Ealier, befor my walk out to the cemetery and the park beside the library near the train tracks where I pondered longly, I published a new video of myself talking about my latest release of the Cultural Software that runs my Art Operation (SEE: THE HISTORIOTHEQUE OFFICIAL RELEASE v 4.2.0.;
  • A few hours perhaps before this, I published the Official Relase on my Medium account (SEE: The Latest Official Release of The Historiotheque Semantic Version 4.2.0.;
  • I did other, more clerical things; I did however write a new piece called The Pilgrims and the Tourists: A Journey through the Art of Busyness and Contemplation, which I think is very good;
  • It's a topic that I've thought long and hard on and have also written about countless times; I find it however a little too polemical for my taste; I don't like scandal and controversy, but this a subject I've very well-versed in, am in a position to speak about authoritatively, and it IS scandalous and controversial; I made sure to include something in it saying that I wasn't trying to write a harangue or a tirade against what in the article I called "Tourists"; no, I said that the world NEEDED "Tourists"; probably no one will read it, and those that do, some will like it, others will be totally indifferent to its contents, and maybe a few will become passionately enraged; there's really nothing I can do about it, all I can do it write it and publish it; if, in any event, it rouses too much dispassion, I will just kindly remove it from publication;
  • Last night, I watched the first episode in a Limited Series on Netflix called The Andy Warhol Diaries, which consists of excerpts from Andy Warhol's actual diaries, read by a robotic voice imitating his voice; it feels a little too robotic at times, but with the captivating images, it was a worthwhile thing to watch; I'm happy I watched it, I felt enriched by the experience; now I want to know more about Andy Warhol as a person and as an artist and entrepreneur; he says somewhere in what I saw that he saw art AS business; this idea fascinates me beyond mention; I will investigate it in the revival of an old project called the Legal Tender Project, where I played with the look & feel of old paper money in mixed media pieces I was creating, in the early 2000s when I lived in Montreal with my friend A.;
  • I also, before finding out about the Netflix Series on him, read about the intriguing intersection between Warhol and religion, religious sentiment, contemplation, prayer, mystery itself; it seems he was even commissioned works by the Catholic Church; I had read a while back something about the "secret life" of Andy Warhol or something like that, I forget how the author put it; it appears he went to mass regularly over the course of many years, perhaps maybe the course of his life; I empathize deeply with this aspect of Andy Warhol that I was never really sure about, though I suspected there was something worth my while in investigating;
  • That's it for now, I'm going to try to finish Soren Kierkegaard's "The Point of View of My Work as an Author"; it's quite warm out, a beautiful spring day, it inspires the spirit and warms the heart;

04:47 2024-05-24

  • I just posted my latest digital painting called "GEMSTONES OF THE MIND: SECRETS OF THE ETERNAL LIBRARY" on various social media sites;
  • I wrote an original short story on the subject which I will post a little later on Medium and Substack since I published my last piece on those sites only 15 hours ago; I don't want people to think I am spamming them with content; in any case, I'm extremely productive these days; I write dozens of pages of prose per day, I am constantly making visual digital designs or digital paintings, and I also have time to make works of sound design or electronic music;
  • Yesterday evening, I took myself out on a date; I went to the restaurant; had a gyro and some friend; it was good;
  • I want to make another book for my own personal reference as I once did with all my philosophical notes, and one with all my "novelistic" writings, from the period between 2001 and 2004;
  • I need a paper copy so I can really study it properly; I'm in the process of editing those works so I can publish them probably as PDF files on the my Academia profile;
  • They are calling for rain today, so I might not get to take my morning walk unless of course I go out with my umbrella; I don't really like using the umbrella, though, especially if it's raining hard; we'll see how the day progresses;
  • Last night, I watched another episode from the Andy Warhol Diaries Limited Series on Netflix; it was just as great as the first episode; I also started reading his actual Diaries, which are also quite lovely; I'm getting to know Andy Warhol from a whole new perspective, though frankly I must admit that I didn't know him very well to begin with, actually knowing very little about him OR his art; I don't know if that makes me an imbecile or whatnot, for not knowing much about the art works of one of the biggest artists, if not THE biggest artist of the 20th century;
  • Something that I found in one of the Markdown files in somewhere in my large Documentation GitHub Repository is very pertinent and relevant to what I have been doing this last while, which I can explain later; it has to do with Practice Research, but here is the quote:

Another important development is that in the case at hand, the Artist or "art worker", "Art Operator" is also an Independent Scholar/Researcher; That is to say, the Artist is doing "Practice-Research", or "Research-Practice", "research-as-practice", "practice-as-research", "Reflective Practice", "art-based research", etc.; That is, SINCE the Artist is ALSO doing a form of Research, this necessitates the strict maintenance and observance of the very best practices in terms of the always-available, easily accessible, public-facing audit trail;

  • This has to do with my interdiscicplinary art-research practice AS "Practice Research"/"Research Practice"; I might have to write an entirely other piece and post it somewhere just on how exactly I conceive my brand of Practice Research; suffice to say that I just spent many mmonths practicing a highly contemplative lifestyle and how I explain it is as a form of Practice Research where I was trying to learn about the lives of TRUE CONTEMPLATIVES THROUGH DIRECT EXPERIENCE; that is to say, I tried to BECOME A CONTEMPLATIVE so I could know what it feels like to be one FROM THE INSIDE;
  • I have been obsessed with work and workspaces for the longest time, and in around 2012, I learned to become a computer programmer, I learned programming in Python and also studied many domains in theoretical computer science; the goal however wasn't to become a software developer, but just to learn to see what software development WAS LIKE; I wanted to know the life of the programmer and developer, as well as the computer scientist, FROM THE INSIDE, via direct experience by doing what they do, as best as I could;
  • This is a form of qualitative research that I do in my art-research practice; it has similarities with *Participant Observation" in ethnography, except I'm not an ethnography, and I'm not merely doing some data collection ABOUT the workers in the workspaces that I study, I am actually trying to BECOME THEM; it goes one step further than mere participant observation by adding an element of performativity, if I can call it that (I am perhaps using the term incorrectly, please correct me if I am wrong);

04:18 2024-05-28

  • Last Sunday and part of Monday, I slept during the day, Sunday especially (a lot!);
  • It's part of the process; I get very active and productive and engage in a whole host of activities and then I have days where things are more quiet and I meditate and so forth;
  • I've been doing a lot of meditation, actually, and contemplation; I've also been very productive, as mentioned; I published several articles on Medium, cross-posted on Substack; some of them started out as pieces I posted on my personal Facebook account;
  • On Facebook, I translate my pieces into French, because I have a bilingual audience, with many Francophones from Quebec, Canada, and abroad (France and so on);
  • I haven't necessarily been keeping up my online documentation process, which I always say is continuous; it is continuous, it's just that I can't be makinng commits 24/7, I need time to paint, make my digital visual designs, write and record music and do sound design, and all the creative and more philosophical writing that I do;
  • It's incredible how productive I've become, it's as though the Floodgates of Creative Energy have just opened up; I keep getting more and more creative and productive with every passing Season; surely part of it is sustained daily practice and experience and so forth, but I know a lot of it has to do with my conception and design of the ART OPERATION; I've spent decades streamlining it and making all of the processes and practices as efficient as humanly possible; that's why I believe so much in the process of documenting all of my practices and posting them online for anyone to see; it's not just about being accountable and leaving an audit trail, it's also about transparency, reproducibility, and collaboration, namely, that I want my work practices to not only be transparent, but I want people to be able to reproduce the experiments; because my practice after all is not only interdisciplinary, but it is fundamentally experimental (and iterative, evolutionary, generative, and ambient, but more on that at a later time!);
  • I've still been taking long walks every day, enjoying the warm rays of the spring sun, enjoying all of the beautiful growth, the plants, the leaves on the trees; we have hares here in the village, you can see them bouncing around all the time, in all the various green spaces, sometimes even in people's front yards;
  • I want to go on "hiatus", I keep saying that, from my art practice, in some measure; I am producing too much in a sense, and I fear I might burn out; that's partly what happened Sunday and Monday, I was really exhausted from all the productive activity; I'm posting too much online, too, I find; I rather post just once per day on the web and then do everything else on GitHub, because GitHub is made for fast iteration and continuous delivery, which is how I am viewing and conceptualizing my art practice of the ART OPERATION more and more;
  • I need people to visit these repositories more and hopefully someday I can have some actual collaboration, though I would be happy with just having a few people following me and reading my stuff; I am still unknown to virtually everyone; it saddens me to some extent, but I get the feeling that people will become more interested in what I do as society continues to grow more and more "lukewarm"; people will start looking for Truth & Beauty anywhere that they can find it, and my work will be sold at a premium; someone can always dream, can't they?;
  • That's it for now, that's the update for the LOGFILE;

03:03 2024-12-07

  • I've been living a pretty low-key life for the last 6-7 months or so;
  • I've been productive as an interdisciplinary artist-researcher, but not as much as last May, 2024;
  • I've been doing exercise semi-regularly, trying to eat more balanced meals, and also trying to adhere to a strict budget;
  • It's all about optimizing my life to my restricted resources, to try to thrive so I can continue my many art-research projects;
  • More to come...

A.G. (c) 2024. A.G. (c) 2024. All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved.









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