Github-reporter is a commandline reporting tool for teams.
Github-reporter reports a teams progress in handling github issues and pull requests.
It is currently set to send out a weekly report but can be configured to do monthly reports as well.
Github-reporter is part of NeverwinterDP the Data Pipeline for Hadoop
In its simplest format the report will scan through github repositories of the team and provide a summary of:
- A count of tickets and pull requests handled by each team member.
- A count of tickets and pull requests handled in each repository.
- Details of all new tickets
- Details of all closed tickets
- Details of all new pull requests
- Details of all closed pull requests
1. git clone
2. cd github-reporter
3. vi
...edit the sender's email address.
...if the report is to be sent to a single address (as during testing) provide the 'to' property.
4. gradle run -DgmailUsername=xxxx -DgmailPassword=xxxx -DgithubUser=xxxx -DgithubPassword=xxxx
The report will be sent in xls format to all members of the team or to the individual address provided in step 2.
Git hub reporter is a java application that depends on the following libraries