Releases: anthonyfok/riskprofiler
Releases · anthonyfok/riskprofiler
RiskProfiler v1.0 Soft-Launch (October 20, 2022) on the occasion of ShakeOut BC on October 20, 2022 at 10:20 a.m. Pacific Time Internal version number: v1.0-API_v1.4.3-20221020 (Build 1020) French translation will be ready in our next release in November 2022. Changes since v1.0-API_v1.4.3-20221019 (Release Candidate 2): * Update name and description of earthquake scenarios * Copyediting and proofreading * Add GEM logo under Quick Links on the front page
v1.0-API_v1.4.3-20220928 (Beta release) 2022-09-28 bugfix Beta release Based on HabitatSeven 2022-09-14 Beta release Changes since v1.0-API_v1.4.3-20220914: Upstream HabitatSeven code: * No change since 2022-09-14 Static site export (2022-09-28): * Fix missing 5km shakemap on The bug, seen only on the static site export, was caused by doubly applying the workaround for incomplete hexbin-to-hexgrid transition in bin/ when HabitatSeven has already applied the same workaround in OpenDRR/h7-riskprofiler@bf8d8dbc46febd7d72eb0ed54de8f1a704b5c4d8. Thanks to @wkhchow for catching the omission! (See commit 6fd3759485e98b97108ed005e6c1ca523f048e28)