- URL:
- Method:
- URL paramteres: not utilized here
- Data parameters:
{ "email" : "[email protected]", "password" : "strong_password", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "city" : "New York", "country" : "USA", "gender" : "M", "dateOfBirth" : 1490117226, "dateOfRegistration" : 1490117226, "contactNumber" : "00385991122333", "contactFacebook" : "link/to/user/profile", "profileConfirmed" : false, "coins" : 0 }
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "id" : "neki123user456id", "email" : "[email protected]", "password" : "strong_password", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "city" : "New York", "country" : "USA", "gender" : "M", "dateOfBirth" : 1490117226, "dateOfRegistration" : 1490117226, "profilePicture" : null, "contactNumber" : "00385991122333", "contactFacebook" : "link/to/user/profile", "profileConfirmed" : false, "coins" : 0 }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
id = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "id" : 123234, "email" : "[email protected]", "password" : "strong_password", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "city" : "New York", "country" : "USA", "gender" : "M", "dateOfBirth" : 1490117226, "dateOfRegistration" : 1490117226, "profilePicture" : "url/to/profile/picture", "contactNumber" : "00385991122333", "contactFacebook" : "url/to/user/profile", "profileConfirmed" : true, "coins" : 50 }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- Note: In the following definition and example of user update, user is represented with whole JSON update object. However, user update can be performed with partial JSON update object. Only fields which are provided will be updated. Following parameters of
object can be updated (all other parameters given throught JSON update object will be discarded, if they are not 'updateable'):- firstName
- lastName
- city
- country
- gender
- dateOfBirth
- contactNumber
- contactFacebook
- profileConfirmed
- coins
- URL:
- Method:
- URL paramteres:
id = String
- Data parameters:
{ "userId" : 123234, "email" : "[email protected]", "password" : "strong_password", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "country" : "USA", "acity" : "New York", "gender" : "M", "dateOfBirth" : 1490117226, "profilePicture" : "url/to/profile/picture", "contactNumber" : "00385991122333", "contactFacebook" : "link/to/user/profile", "dateOfRegistration" : 1490117226, "profileConfirmed" : false, "coins" : 0 }
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL paramteres:
id = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "id" : "123hjkl123", "userId" : "asdf9521dasdf", "title" : "Wish title here", "description" : "Wish description here", "categories" : [ "travel", "music", "dancing" ], "pictures" : [ "/first/path/here", "/second/path/here", "/third/path/here" ], "created" : 1490117226, "state" : 1, "upvoteCount" : 0, "reportCount" : 0 } ]
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL paramteres:
id = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "id" : "ne4st8jkl9", "userId" : "asdf9521dasdf", "wishId" : "123hjkl123", "description" : "Offer description here", "created" : 1490117226, "chosen" : false, "upvoteCount" : 121, "reportCount" : 0 } ]
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL paramteres:
id = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "id" : "jkaa8719s9", "wishId" : "asd1122", "creatorId" : "ask28ja", "sponsorId" : "p121alk", "description" : "Story description here", "created" : 1490117226, "pictures" : [ "/first/path/here", "/second/path/here", "/third/path/here" ], "reportCount" : 0 } ]
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters: not utilized here
- Data parameters:
{ "userId" : "neki358user988id", "title" : "Wish title here", "description" : "Wish description here", "categories" : [ "travel", "music", "dancing" ], "created" : 1490117226, "state" : 1, "upvoteCount" : 0, "reportCount" : 0 }
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "id" : "neki358wish988id", "userId" : "neki358user988id", "title" : "Wish title here", "description" : "Wish description here", "categories" : [ "travel", "music", "dancing" ], "pictures" : [], "created" : 1490117226, "state" : 1, "upvoteCount" : 0, "reportCount" : 0 }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
wishId = String
,index = Int
,size = Int
- Data parameters: not present
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "creator" : { "id" : "billov23neki45id", "firstName" : "Bill", "lastName" : "Kent", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "wish" : { "id" : "neki5wish6id", "userId" : "neki8creator9id", "title" : "Wish title here", "description" : "Wish description here", "categories" : [ "travel", "music", "dancing" ], "pictures" : [ "/first/path/here", "/second/path/here", "/third/path/here" ], "created" : 1490117226, "state" : 1, "upvoteCount" : 0, "reportCount" : 0 }, "chosenOffer" : { "user" : { "id" : "neki1odabrani2id", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "offer" : { "id" : "neki2odabrani3offer4id", "userId" : "neki1odabrani2id", "wishId" : "neki5wish6id", "description" : "Offer description here", "created" : 1490117226, "chosen" : true, "upvoteCount" : 28, "reportCount" : 0 }, "interaction" : { "upvoted" : true, "reported" : false } }, "myOffer" : { "user" : { "id" : "neki1moj2id", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "offer" : { "id" : "neki2moj3offer4id", "userId" : "neki1moj2id", "wishId" : "neki5wish6id", "description" : "Offer description here", "created" : 1490117226, "chosen" : false, "upvoteCount" : 2, "reportCount" : 0 }, "interaction" : { "upvoted" : false, "reported" : false } }, "interaction" : { "upvoted" : true, "reported" : false }, "offers" : [ { "user" : { "id" : "neki2prvi3user4id", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "offer" : { "id" : "neki2prvi3offer4id", "userId" : "neki2prvi3user4id", "wishId" : "neki5wish6id", "description" : "Offer description here", "created" : 1490117226, "chosen" : false, "upvoteCount" : 15, "reportCount" : 0 }, "interaction" : { "upvoted" : false, "reported" : false } }, { "user" : { "id" : "neki2drugi3user4id", "firstName" : "Jane", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "offer" : { "id" : "neki2drugi3offer4id", "userId" : "neki2drugi3user4id", "wishId" : "neki5wish6id", "description" : "Offer description here", "created" : 1490117226, "chosen" : false, "upvoteCount" : 10, "reportCount" : 0 }, "interaction" : { "upvoted" : false, "reported" : false } } ] }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- Note: In the following definition and example of wish update, wish is represented with whole JSON update object. However, wish update can be performed with partial JSON update object, where only fields which are provided will be updated. Following parameters of
object can be updated (all other parameters given throught JSON update object will be discarded, if they are present):- title
- description
- state
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
id = String
- Data parameters:
{ "title" : "Another wish title here", "description" : "Another wish description here", "state" : 2 }
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
id = String
- Data parameters:
[ "travel", "music", "dancing", "skiing" ]
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- Note: This functionality can be used to confirm new and decline existing offer for wish. Trying to assign offer to wish that already has confirmed offer assigned to it will result in error.
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
wishId = String
,offerId = String
,confirmed = Bool
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters: not utilized here
- Data parameters:
{ "userId" : "user123id123neki", "wishId" : "neki987id654wish", "description" : "Offer description here", "created" : 1490117226, "chosen" : false, "upvoteCount" : 0, "reportCount" : 0 }
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "id" : "offer775neki912id", "userId" : "user123id123neki", "wishId" : "neki987id654wish", "description" : "Offer description here", "created" : 1490117226, "chosen" : false, "upvoteCount" : 0, "reportCount" : 0 }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
object retrieval is closely tied to Wish
object retrieval. For more information consult Wish
object retrieval functionality.
- Note: In the following definition and example of offer update, offer is represented with whole JSON update object. Following parameters of
object can be updated (all other parameters given throught JSON update object will be discarded, if they are present):- description
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
id = String
- Data parameters:
{ "description" : "Another offer description here" }
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters: not utilized here
- Data parameters:
{ "wishId" : "neki123string456id", "creatorId" : "neki987drugi654id", "sponsorId" : "neki456treci123id", "created" : 1490117226, "description" : "Story description here", "reportCount" : 0 }
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "id" : "neki357sasvim864novi", "wishId" : "neki123string456id", "creatorId" : "neki987drugi654id", "sponsorId" : "neki456treci123id", "created" : 1490117226, "description" : "Story description here", "pictures" : [], "reportCount" : 0 }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
id = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
{ "story" : { "id" : "story777id123neki", "wishId" : "wish123id999neki", "creatorId" : "neki987prvi654id", "sponsorId" : "neki987drugi654id", "created" : 1490117226, "description" : "Story description here", "pictures" : [ "/first/path/here", "/second/path/here", "/third/path/here" ], "reportCount" : 0 }, "creator" : { "id" : "neki987prvi654id", "firstName" : "Jane", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "sponsor" : { "id" : "neki987drugi654id", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "interaction" : { "upvoted" : false, "reported" : false } }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- Note: In the following definition and example of story update, story is represented with whole JSON update object. Following parameters of
object can be updated (all other parameters given throught JSON update object will be discarded, if they are present):- description
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
id = String
- Data parameters:
{ "description" : "Another story description here" }
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
wishId = String
,userId = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
offerId = String
,userId = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
wishId = String
,userId = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
offerId = String
,userId = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
storyId = String
,userId = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: not utilized here
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL paramteres:
resource = ['user','wish','story']
,id = String
- Data parameters: Header key:
, header value associated with aformentioned key:MultipartFile
- file for ulpoad - Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: In case of user, 'paths' list will be singleton list with path to his profile picture.
{ "id" : "abc3def6", "paths" : [ "/first/path/here", "/second/path/here", "/third/path/here" ] }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL paramteres:
resource = ['user','wish','story']
,id = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content: In case of user, 'paths' list will be singleton list with path to his profile picture.
{ "id" : "abc3def6", "paths" : [ "/first/path/here", "/second/path/here", "/third/path/here" ] }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- Note: Image name parameter is not needed when removing user's profile picture.
- URL:
- Method:
- URL paramteres:
resource = ['user','wish','story']
,id = String
,imageName = String
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
- In case of user, no content is returned.
- In case of wishes and stories, model with paths to remaining pictures is returned:
{ "id" : "abc3def6", "paths" : [ "/first/path/here", "/second/path/here", "/third/path/here" ] }
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
Note: In the following definitions, query array of String
values represents user's search input splitted into words.
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
index = Integer
,size = Integer
,query = [String]
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "wish" : { "id" : "1744", "creator" : { "userId" : "1980", "firstName" : "Bill", "lastName" : "Kent", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "title" : "Wish title here", "description" : "Wish description here", "categories" : [ "travel", "music", "dancing" ], "global" : true, "created" : 1490117226, "offerId" : null, "state" : 1, "upvoteCount" : 0 } } ]
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
index = Integer
,size = Integer
,query = [String]
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "story" : { "id" : "6731da", "wishId" : "12sd312", "creator" : { "id" : "d112312d", "firstName" : "Jane", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "sponsor" : { "id" : "d2e2123", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "description" : "Story description here", "created" : 1490117226, "pictures" : [ "url/to/first/picture", "url/to/last/picture" ], "reportCount" : 0 } } ]
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
ranking = ['new', 'top', 'pending']
,index = Integer
,size = Integer
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "wish" : { "id" : "1744", "creator" : { "userId" : "1980", "firstName" : "Bill", "lastName" : "Kent", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "title" : "Wish title here", "description" : "Wish description here", "categories" : [ "travel", "music", "dancing" ], "global" : true, "created" : 1490117226, "offerId" : null, "state" : 1, "upvoteCount" : 0, "interaction" : { "upvoted" : false, "reported" : false } } } ]
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time
- Note: Stories retrieved as part of front page functionality are by deafult sorted in descending order by time created.
- URL:
- Method:
- URL parameters:
index = Integer
,size = Integer
- Data parameters: not utilized here
- Success response:
- Code:
200 OK
- Content:
[ { "story" : { "id" : "6731da", "wishId" : "12sd312", "creator" : { "id" : "d112312d", "firstName" : "Jane", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "sponsor" : { "id" : "d2e2123", "firstName" : "John", "lastName" : "Doe", "profilePicture" : "profile/picture/url" }, "description" : "Story description here", "created" : 1490117226, "pictures" : [ "url/to/first/picture", "url/to/last/picture" ], "reportCount" : 0, "interaction" : { "upvoted" : false, "reported" : false } } } ]
- Code:
- Error response: will be elaborated at a later time