In order to make the app work, it is enough to run npm install in the root directory, it will create all the node_modules necessary to run the whole system.
In our application, we implemented two additional functions:
- the map view, which can be seen in the reading list section, showing all the saved wikipedia articles
- the language choice, which can be defined in the settings section, which allows the user to select a language
We have a slight bug in the Nearby section: the container setState does not update correctly the state, therefore the component does not render again itself. The search actions are performed correctly, but nothing is showed in the UI.
Moreover, in iOs systems, the wikipedia articles do not open the web browser: anyway, it works in the Android environment.
We are sorry for the late sending
We managed to solve the bug in the article displaying, it was enough to add a navigation listener which understand when the component was no more focused and implement a conditional rendering, in order to see changes take effect