powered by Javascript, Python, Flask, and OpenAI GPT-3 models
This project's goal is to package the functionality of OpenAI's language processing models into an accessible and lightweight browser application. This project follows a client server design pattern, using an external flask
server for API requests and data parsing.
Make video content more straightforward by extracting & rendering it as text within the browser.
Format by topic and package content into toggleable sections, containing a heading, body, and if applicable, Markdown formatting.
Identify topics' specific mention during a video and generate timestamps for quick navigation.
Enable keyword and important phrase searching through rendered text.
Package and export text as PDFs for later reference and local storage.
This project is currently in development.
- Ongoing tasks...
- Flask server's handling for OpenAI errors
- Client's handling for Flask server errors
- Overflow text leaving blank space in PDF exports
- Parsing YT desc sections
- PDF export options
- Reversing sidepanel iframe implementation
- Minimize sidepanel
- Bundling multiple OpenAI requests for longer videos
- This extension has not been deployed onto the Chrome Web app store
- In addition, the web server has not been deployed (runs on localhost)
This project is best suited for videos 8-18 minutes long, and reaches inaccuracies beyond 30 minutes.
- OpenAI proposes a 4000 word token limit per request
- Videos longer are shortened in order to fit inside the 4000 word limit
- Shortening does not mean an abrupt cutoff, instead removing unnecessary phrases. However, excessive length may lead shortening to cause inaccuracies.
- Until multiple request functionality is finished.
Timestamps are liable to inaccuracy
- Current ID involves matching headings with phrases within the video's transcript
- Headings can be mismatched with unrelated sections
- Can be alleviated by parsing YT sections in descriptions
Exporting PDFs with Markdown is currently not supported.
- While the browser is able to render Markdown thanks to "md-block.js", the current PDF exporting does not recognize the syntax and outputs as plain text
This project uses GPT-3 modes in parsing Youtube video content, and is liable to misrepresented extracted info.
- As opposed to summarization, this project attempts to cover video content in bulk.
- As a result, it is poor at detecting conveyed sarcasm and/or nuance.
Pull requests are welcomed. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.