NodeJS Library for Kaggle API, accessible via npm.
npm i kaggle-node
Authenticating is only needed to access public resources requiring user consent or private resources.
First, you will need a Kaggle account. You can sign up here.
After login, you can download your Kaggle API credentials at by clicking the "Create New Token" button under the API section.
{"username": YOUR_USERNAME,"key": YOUR_KEY}
Import and create KaggleNode
import { KaggleNode } from 'kaggle-node';
let kaggleNode = new KaggleNode({
credentials: {
username: YOUR_USERNAME,
Search datasets.
let res = await;
Filter search.
'sortBy' - Apply Kaggle sorting criteria, default 'HOTTEST'.
'fileType' - Filter by associated file type.
'license' - Filter by license.
'search' - Filter by keyword search.
'tagIds' - Filter by tags.
'username' - Filter by Kaggle user account.
'page' - API pagination, pagesize of 20.
'minSize', 'maxSize' - Filter by bytesize.
let res = await{
sortBy: DatasetQuerySorting.UPDATED,
fileType: DatasetQueryFileTypes.JSON,
license: DatasetQueryLicenses.GPL,
search: "tools",
tagIds: [4141, 1070],
username: 'rashadrmammadov',
page: 2,
minSize: 10,
maxSize: 1000000
} as DatasetQueryOptions);
To learn more about filtering options, check out DatasetQueryEnums.ts.
To interact with datasets, use the associated handle string. This can be found from parsing the dataset's URL or accessing the ref
property within a dataset search response.
If you would like to specify versioning, append a versions
clause followed by the version number. To learn about a dataset's versioning,
navigate to "Data Explorer" on the right-hand side of the dataset's web page or preview the dataset.
let handleStr;
handleStr = 'jessicali9530/animal-crossing-new-horizons-nookplaza-dataset';
handleStr = 'jessicali9530/animal-crossing-new-horizons-nookplaza-dataset/versions/2';
Preview datasets.
let res = await kaggleNode.datasets.view(handleStr); // application/json
List datasets' files.
let res = await kaggleNode.datasets.list(handleStr); // application/json
Download an entire dataset.
let res = await; // application/zip
Download a specific file within a dataset.
let res = await, "accessories.csv"); // text/csv
Common MIME types for file responses
- Datasets
- Notebooks
- Colab
Contributions to this repo are welcome. This library is based off Kaggle's official API repos. I advise referencing them for new implementation, to keep functionality standard.
kaggle-node is released under the ISC license.