Artifact repository for the FSE2018 accepted paper "Phys: Probabilistic Physical Unit Assignment and Inconsistency Detection".
THE BEST WAY TO START is by opening index.html from a web browser.
Phys is a static analysis tool for detecting physical unit (PU) inconsistencies in C++ files that build against the Robot Operation System, using probabilistic graphical models together with dataflow analysis.
This repository contains the following files and folders:
- Dockerfile : a Docker install file for phys.
- INSTALL.txt : Describes how to install phys using Docker and a minimal working example.
- LICENSE.txt : BSD-2-Clause license.
- : This file.
- STATUS : Describes the ACM artifact badges sought for this artifact.
- data/ : Folder containing C++ files used to evaluate and test phys.
- docs/ : the help pages (HTML) referenced by index.html.
- index.html : THE BEST PLACE TO START.
- requirements.txt : List of python dependencies required by phys. Referenced by the Dockerfile.
- src/ : The python source code for phys.