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Use APE mechanism to format Function expressions (#1852)
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I paired with @janmasrovira on this work.

Before this change - long type signatures were formatted to contain line
breaks within applications:

  exampleFunction : {A : Type} -> List A -> List A -> List
        A -> List A -> List A -> List A -> List A -> Nat;

After this change we treat `->` and an infix operator and format like
other infix applications:

  exampleFunction :
    {A : Type}
      -> List A
      -> List A
      -> List A
      -> List A
      -> List A
      -> List A
      -> List A
      -> Nat;

* Fixes #1850
Co-authored-by: @janmasrovira
  • Loading branch information
paulcadman authored Feb 21, 2023
1 parent 26424b1 commit 791666f
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Showing 5 changed files with 108 additions and 25 deletions.
49 changes: 42 additions & 7 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Language.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -993,6 +993,13 @@ instance Eq (ModuleRef'' 'S.Concrete t) where
instance HasAtomicity (PatternAtom 'Parsed) where
atomicity = const Atom

instance SingI s => HasAtomicity (FunctionParameters s) where
atomicity p
| not (null (p ^. paramNames)) || p ^. paramImplicit == Implicit = Atom
| otherwise = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> atomicity (p ^. paramType)
SScoped -> atomicity (p ^. paramType)

deriving stock instance
( Show Symbol,
Show (PatternAtom 'Parsed)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1296,47 +1303,75 @@ instance


instance IsApe Application Expression where
data ApeLeaf
= ApeLeafExpression Expression
| ApeLeafFunctionParams (FunctionParameters 'Scoped)
| ApeLeafFunctionKw KeywordRef

instance IsApe Application ApeLeaf where
toApe (Application l r) =
{ _appLeft = toApe l,
_appRight = toApe r

instance IsApe InfixApplication Expression where
instance IsApe InfixApplication ApeLeaf where
toApe i@(InfixApplication l op r) =
{ _infixFixity = getFixity i,
_infixLeft = toApe l,
_infixRight = toApe r,
_infixIsComma = isDelimiterStr (prettyText (identifierName op ^. S.nameConcrete)),
_infixOp = ExpressionIdentifier op
_infixOp = ApeLeafExpression (ExpressionIdentifier op)

instance IsApe PostfixApplication Expression where
instance IsApe PostfixApplication ApeLeaf where
toApe p@(PostfixApplication l op) =
{ _postfixFixity = getFixity p,
_postfixLeft = toApe l,
_postfixOp = ExpressionIdentifier op
_postfixOp = ApeLeafExpression (ExpressionIdentifier op)

instance IsApe (Function 'Scoped) ApeLeaf where
toApe (Function ps kw ret) =
{ _infixFixity = funFixity,
_infixLeft = toApe ps,
_infixRight = toApe ret,
_infixIsComma = False,
_infixOp = ApeLeafFunctionKw kw

instance IsApe Expression Expression where
instance IsApe Expression ApeLeaf where
toApe = \case
ExpressionApplication a -> toApe a
ExpressionInfixApplication a -> toApe a
ExpressionPostfixApplication a -> toApe a
ExpressionFunction a -> toApe a
e ->
( Leaf
{ _leafAtomicity = atomicity e,
_leafExpr = e
_leafExpr = ApeLeafExpression e

instance IsApe (FunctionParameters 'Scoped) ApeLeaf where
toApe f
| atomicity f == Atom =
( Leaf
{ _leafAtomicity = Atom,
_leafExpr = ApeLeafFunctionParams f
| otherwise = toApe (f ^. paramType)

instance HasAtomicity PatternArg where
atomicity p
| Implicit <- p ^. patternArgIsImplicit = Atom
Expand Down
36 changes: 23 additions & 13 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Pretty/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -431,20 +431,24 @@ instance (SingI s) => PrettyCode (TypeSignature s) where
sigType' <- ppExpression _sigType
builtin' <- traverse ppCode _sigBuiltin
doc' <- mapM ppCode _sigDoc
body' :: Maybe (Doc Ann) <- fmap (kwAssign <+>) <$> mapM ppExpression _sigBody
return $ doc' ?<> builtin' <?+> sigTerminating' <> hang' (sigName' <+> kwColon <+> sigType' <+?> body')
body' :: Maybe (Doc Ann) <- fmap ((kwAssign <>) . oneLineOrNext) <$> mapM ppExpression _sigBody
return $ doc' ?<> builtin' <?+> sigTerminating' <> hang' (sigName' <+> kwColon <> oneLineOrNext (sigType' <+?> body'))

instance (SingI s) => PrettyCode (Function s) where
ppCode :: forall r. (Members '[Reader Options] r) => Function s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode Function {..} = do
funParameter' <- ppCode _funParameters
funReturn' <- ppRightExpression' funFixity _funReturn
funKw' <- ppCode _funKw
return $ funParameter' <+> funKw' <+> funReturn'
ppCode a = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppCode' a
SScoped -> apeHelper a (ppCode' a)
ppRightExpression' = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppRightExpression
SScoped -> ppRightExpression
ppCode' :: forall r. (Members '[Reader Options] r) => Function s -> Sem r (Doc Ann)
ppCode' Function {..} = do
funParameter' <- ppCode _funParameters
funReturn' <- ppRightExpression' funFixity _funReturn
funKw' <- ppCode _funKw
return $ funParameter' <+> funKw' <+> funReturn'
ppRightExpression' = case sing :: SStage s of
SParsed -> ppRightExpression
SScoped -> ppRightExpression

instance (SingI s) => PrettyCode (FunctionParameters s) where
ppCode FunctionParameters {..} = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -628,13 +632,19 @@ instance PrettyCode Application where
args' <- mapM ppCodeAtom args
return $ (f' <+> nest' (vsep args'))

apeHelper :: (IsApe a Expression, Members '[Reader Options] r) => a -> Sem r (Doc CodeAnn) -> Sem r (Doc CodeAnn)
instance PrettyCode ApeLeaf where
ppCode = \case
ApeLeafExpression e -> ppCode e
ApeLeafFunctionParams a -> ppCode a
ApeLeafFunctionKw r -> return (pretty r)

apeHelper :: (IsApe a ApeLeaf, Members '[Reader Options] r) => a -> Sem r (Doc CodeAnn) -> Sem r (Doc CodeAnn)
apeHelper a alt = do
opts <- ask @Options
| not (opts ^. optNoApe) ->
return $
let params :: ApeParams Expression
let params :: ApeParams ApeLeaf
params = ApeParams (run . runReader opts . ppCode)
in runApe params a
| otherwise -> alt
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Concrete/Print/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,16 +189,16 @@ instance PrettyPrint (TypeSignature 'Scoped) where
name' = region (P.annDef _sigName) (ppCode _sigName)
body' = case _sigBody of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just body -> Just (noLoc P.kwAssign <+> ppCode body)
Just body -> Just (noLoc P.kwAssign <> oneLineOrNext (ppCode body))
?<> builtin'
<?+> termin'
?<> ( name'
<+> noLoc P.kwColon
<+> nest
( type'
<+?> body'
<> oneLineOrNext
( type'
<+?> body'

instance PrettyPrint Pattern where
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Data/Fixity.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ makeLenses ''Fixity
data Atomicity
= Atom
| Aggregate Fixity
deriving stock (Eq)

class HasAtomicity a where
atomicity :: a -> Atomicity
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tests/positive/Format.juvix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,4 +81,41 @@ module Format;
-- function with single wildcard parameter
g : (_ : Type) -> Nat;
g _ := 1;

-- grouping of type arguments
exampleFunction1 :
{A : Type}
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> Nat;
exampleFunction1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ := 1;

-- 200 in the body is idented with respect to the start of the chain
-- (at {A : Type})
exampleFunction2 :
{A : Type}
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> List A
-> Nat :=
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100
+ 100;

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