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break up instances for Node
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lukaszcz committed Sep 1, 2022
1 parent c080f1f commit 46fea7a
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Showing 6 changed files with 136 additions and 61 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Evaluator.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ instance Show EvalError where

instance Exception.Exception EvalError

-- `eval ctx env n` evalues a node `n` whose all free variables point into
-- | `eval ctx env n` evalues a node `n` whose all free variables point into
-- `env`. All nodes in `ctx` must be closed. All nodes in `env` must be values.
-- Invariant for values v: eval ctx env v = v
eval :: IdentContext -> Env -> Node -> Node
Expand All @@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ eval !ctx !env0 = convertRuntimeNodes . eval' env0
NCst {} -> n
NApp (App i l r) ->
case eval' env l of
Closure _ env' b -> let !v = eval' env r in eval' (v : env') b
Closure env' (Lambda _ b) -> let !v = eval' env r in eval' (v : env') b
v -> evalError "invalid application" (mkApp i v (substEnv env r))
NBlt (BuiltinApp _ op args) -> applyBuiltin n env op args
NCtr (Constr i tag args) -> mkConstr i tag (map (eval' env) args)
NLam (Lambda i b) -> Closure i env b
NLam l@Lambda {} -> Closure env l
NLet (Let _ v b) -> let !v' = eval' env v in eval' (v' : env) b
NCase (Case i v bs def) ->
case eval' env v of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ eval !ctx !env0 = convertRuntimeNodes . eval' env0
k -> nodeFromInteger (mod (integerFromNode (eval' env l)) k)
applyBuiltin _ env OpIntLt [l, r] = nodeFromBool (integerFromNode (eval' env l) < integerFromNode (eval' env r))
applyBuiltin _ env OpIntLe [l, r] = nodeFromBool (integerFromNode (eval' env l) <= integerFromNode (eval' env r))
applyBuiltin _ env OpEq [l, r] = nodeFromBool (eval' env l == eval' env r)
applyBuiltin _ env OpEq [l, r] = nodeFromBool (structEq (eval' env l) (eval' env r))
applyBuiltin _ env OpTrace [msg, x] = Debug.trace (printNode (eval' env msg)) (eval' env x)
applyBuiltin _ env OpFail [msg] =
Exception.throw (EvalError (fromString ("failure: " ++ printNode (eval' env msg))) Nothing)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ hEvalIO hin hout ctx env node =
evalIO :: IdentContext -> Env -> Node -> IO Node
evalIO = hEvalIO stdin stdout

-- Catch EvalError and convert it to CoreError. Needs a default location in case
-- | Catch EvalError and convert it to CoreError. Needs a default location in case
-- no location is available in EvalError.
catchEvalError :: Location -> a -> IO (Either CoreError a)
catchEvalError loc a =
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Extra.hs
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Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ module Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra
module Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Base,
module Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Recursors,
module Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Info,
module Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Equality,

import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Base
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Equality
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Info
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Recursors
import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Language
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ convertClosures = umap go
go :: Node -> Node
go n = case n of
Closure i env b -> substEnv env (mkLambda i b)
Closure env (Lambda i b) -> substEnv env (mkLambda i b)
_ -> n

convertRuntimeNodes :: Node -> Node
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Extra/Base.hs
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Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ mkTypeConstr' = mkTypeConstr Info.empty
{- functions on Type -}

-- unfold a type into the target and the arguments (left-to-right)
-- | Unfold a type into the target and the arguments (left-to-right)
unfoldType' :: Type -> (Type, [(Info, Type)])
unfoldType' ty = case ty of
NPi (Pi i l r) -> let (tgt, args) = unfoldType' r in (tgt, (i, l) : args)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ unfoldLambdas = go []
unfoldLambdas' :: Node -> (Int, Node)
unfoldLambdas' = first length . unfoldLambdas

-- `NodeDetails` is a convenience datatype which provides the most commonly needed
-- | `NodeDetails` is a convenience datatype which provides the most commonly needed
-- information about a node in a generic fashion.
data NodeDetails = NodeDetails
{ -- `nodeInfo` is the info associated with the node,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,13 +212,13 @@ destruct = \case
NodeDetails i [] [] [] (\i' _ -> mkUniv i' l)
NTyp (TypeConstr i sym args) ->
NodeDetails i args (map (const 0) args) (map (const Nothing) args) (`mkTypeConstr` sym)
Closure i env b ->
Closure env (Lambda i b) ->
(b : env)
(1 : map (const 0) env)
(fetchBinderInfo i : map (const Nothing) env)
(\i' args' -> Closure i' (tl args') (hd args'))
(\i' args' -> Closure (tl args') (Lambda i' (hd args')))
fetchBinderInfo :: Info -> Maybe [BinderInfo]
fetchBinderInfo i = case Info.lookup kBinderInfo i of
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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Extra/Equality.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Juvix.Compiler.Core.Extra.Equality where

import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Language

-- | Structural equality on Nodes. Semantically the same as `==` but slightly
-- optimised. Used mostly in the evaluator.
structEq :: Node -> Node -> Bool
structEq (NCst (Constant _ v1)) (NCst (Constant _ v2)) = v1 == v2
structEq (NCtr (Constr _ tag1 args1)) (NCtr (Constr _ tag2 args2)) =
tag1 == tag2 && argsEq args1 args2
argsEq :: [Node] -> [Node] -> Bool
argsEq [] [] = True
argsEq (x:xs) (y:ys) | structEq x y = argsEq xs ys
argsEq _ _ = False
structEq x y = x == y
155 changes: 106 additions & 49 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Language.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,31 +18,31 @@ import Juvix.Compiler.Core.Language.Base
{- Program tree datatype -}

-- De Bruijn index of a locally bound variable.
-- | De Bruijn index of a locally bound variable.
data Var = Var {_varInfo :: !Info, _varIndex :: !Index}

-- Global identifier of a function (with corresponding `Node` in the global
-- | Global identifier of a function (with corresponding `Node` in the global
-- context).
data Ident = Ident {_identInfo :: !Info, _identSymbol :: !Symbol}

data Constant = Constant {_constantInfo :: !Info, _constantValue :: !ConstantValue}

data App = App {_appInfo :: !Info, _appLeft :: !Node, _appRight :: !Node}

-- A builtin application. A builtin has no corresponding Node. It is treated
-- | A builtin application. A builtin has no corresponding Node. It is treated
-- specially by the evaluator and the code generator. For example, basic
-- arithmetic operations go into `Builtin`. The number of arguments supplied
-- must be equal to the number of arguments expected by the builtin
-- operation (this simplifies evaluation and code generation). If you need
-- partial application, eta-expand with lambdas, e.g., eta-expand `(+) 2` to
-- `\x -> (+) 2 x`. See Transformation/Eta.hs.
-- must be equal to the number of arguments expected by the builtin operation
-- (this simplifies evaluation and code generation). If you need partial
-- application, eta-expand with lambdas, e.g., eta-expand `(+) 2` to `\x -> (+)
-- 2 x`. See Transformation/Eta.hs.
data BuiltinApp = BuiltinApp
{ _builtinAppInfo :: !Info,
_builtinAppOp :: !BuiltinOp,
_builtinAppArgs :: ![Node]

-- A data constructor application. The number of arguments supplied must be
-- | A data constructor application. The number of arguments supplied must be
-- equal to the number of arguments expected by the constructor.
data Constr = Constr
{ _constrInfo :: !Info,
Expand All @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ data Constr = Constr

data Lambda = Lambda {_lambdaInfo :: !Info, _lambdaBody :: !Node}

-- `let x := value in body` is not reducible to lambda + application for the purposes
-- of ML-polymorphic / dependent type checking or code generation!
-- | `let x := value in body` is not reducible to lambda + application for the
-- purposes of ML-polymorphic / dependent type checking or code generation!
data Let = Let {_letInfo :: !Info, _letValue :: !Node, _letBody :: !Node}

-- One-level case matching on the tag of a data constructor: `Case value
-- | One-level case matching on the tag of a data constructor: `Case value
-- branches default`. `Case` is lazy: only the selected branch is evaluated.
data Case = Case
{ _caseInfo :: !Info,
Expand All @@ -65,24 +65,24 @@ data Case = Case
_caseDefault :: !(Maybe Node)

-- Dependent Pi-type. Compilation-time only. Pi implicitly introduces a binder
-- | Dependent Pi-type. Compilation-time only. Pi implicitly introduces a binder
-- in the body, exactly like Lambda. So `Pi info ty body` is `Pi x : ty .
-- body` in more familiar notation, but references to `x` in `body` are via de
-- Bruijn index. For example, Pi A : Type . A -> A translates to (omitting
-- Infos): Pi (Univ level) (Pi (Var 0) (Var 1)).
data Pi = Pi {_piInfo :: !Info, _piType :: !Type, _piBody :: !Type}

-- Universe. Compilation-time only.
-- | Universe. Compilation-time only.
data Univ = Univ {_univInfo :: !Info, _univLevel :: !Int}

-- Type constructor application. Compilation-time only.
-- | Type constructor application. Compilation-time only.
data TypeConstr = TypeConstr
{ _typeConstrInfo :: !Info,
_typeConstrSymbol :: !Symbol,
_typeConstrArgs :: ![Type]

-- `Node` is the type of nodes in the program tree. The nodes themselves
-- | `Node` is the type of nodes in the program tree. The nodes themselves
-- contain only runtime-relevant information. Runtime-irrelevant annotations
-- (including all type information) are stored in the infos associated with each
-- node.
Expand All @@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ data Node
| NTyp {-# UNPACK #-} !TypeConstr
| -- Evaluation only: `Closure env body`
{ _closureInfo :: !Info,
_closureEnv :: !Env,
_closureBody :: !Node
{ _closureEnv :: !Env,
_closureLambda :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Lambda
deriving stock (Eq)

-- Other things we might need in the future:
-- - laziness annotations (converting these to closure/thunk creation should be
Expand All @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ data ConstantValue
-- Other things we might need in the future:
-- - ConstFloat or ConstFixedPoint

-- `CaseBranch tag argsNum branch`
-- | `CaseBranch tag argsNum branch`
-- - `argsNum` is the number of arguments of the constructor tagged with `tag`,
-- equal to the number of implicit binders above `branch`
data CaseBranch = CaseBranch {_caseTag :: !Tag, _caseBindersNum :: !Int, _caseBranch :: !Node}
Expand All @@ -140,43 +140,100 @@ type Env = [Node]

type Type = Node

instance HasAtomicity Var where
atomicity _ = Atom

instance HasAtomicity Ident where
atomicity _ = Atom

instance HasAtomicity Constant where
atomicity _ = Atom

instance HasAtomicity App where
atomicity _ = Aggregate appFixity

instance HasAtomicity BuiltinApp where
atomicity BuiltinApp {..}
| null _builtinAppArgs = Atom
| otherwise = Aggregate lambdaFixity

instance HasAtomicity Constr where
atomicity Constr {..}
| null _constrArgs = Atom
| otherwise = Aggregate lambdaFixity

instance HasAtomicity Lambda where
atomicity _ = Aggregate lambdaFixity

instance HasAtomicity Let where
atomicity _ = Aggregate lambdaFixity

instance HasAtomicity Case where
atomicity _ = Aggregate lambdaFixity

instance HasAtomicity Pi where
atomicity _ = Aggregate lambdaFixity

instance HasAtomicity Univ where
atomicity _ = Atom

instance HasAtomicity TypeConstr where
atomicity _ = Aggregate lambdaFixity

instance HasAtomicity Node where
atomicity = \case
NVar {} -> Atom
NIdt {} -> Atom
NCst {} -> Atom
NApp {} -> Aggregate appFixity
NBlt BuiltinApp {..} | null _builtinAppArgs -> Atom
NBlt BuiltinApp {} -> Aggregate lambdaFixity
NCtr Constr {..} | null _constrArgs -> Atom
NCtr Constr {} -> Aggregate lambdaFixity
NLam Lambda {} -> Aggregate lambdaFixity
NLet Let {} -> Aggregate lambdaFixity
NCase Case {} -> Aggregate lambdaFixity
NPi Pi {} -> Aggregate lambdaFixity
NUniv Univ {} -> Atom
NTyp TypeConstr {} -> Aggregate appFixity
NVar x -> atomicity x
NIdt x -> atomicity x
NCst x -> atomicity x
NApp x -> atomicity x
NBlt x -> atomicity x
NCtr x -> atomicity x
NLam x -> atomicity x
NLet x -> atomicity x
NCase x -> atomicity x
NPi x -> atomicity x
NUniv x -> atomicity x
NTyp x -> atomicity x
Closure {} -> Aggregate lambdaFixity

lambdaFixity :: Fixity
lambdaFixity = Fixity (PrecNat 0) (Unary AssocPostfix)

instance Eq Node where
(==) :: Node -> Node -> Bool
NVar (Var _ idx1) == NVar (Var _ idx2) = idx1 == idx2
NIdt (Ident _ sym1) == NIdt (Ident _ sym2) = sym1 == sym2
NCst (Constant _ v1) == NCst (Constant _ v2) = v1 == v2
NApp (App _ l1 r1) == NApp (App _ l2 r2) = l1 == l2 && r1 == r2
NBlt (BuiltinApp _ op1 args1) == NBlt (BuiltinApp _ op2 args2) = op1 == op2 && args1 == args2
NCtr (Constr _ tag1 args1) == NCtr (Constr _ tag2 args2) = tag1 == tag2 && args1 == args2
NLam (Lambda _ b1) == NLam (Lambda _ b2) = b1 == b2
NLet (Let _ v1 b1) == NLet (Let _ v2 b2) = v1 == v2 && b1 == b2
NCase (Case _ v1 bs1 def1) == NCase (Case _ v2 bs2 def2) = v1 == v2 && bs1 == bs2 && def1 == def2
NPi (Pi _ ty1 b1) == NPi (Pi _ ty2 b2) = ty1 == ty2 && b1 == b2
NUniv (Univ _ l1) == NUniv (Univ _ l2) = l1 == l2
NTyp (TypeConstr _ sym1 args1) == NTyp (TypeConstr _ sym2 args2) = sym1 == sym2 && args1 == args2
Closure _ env1 b1 == Closure _ env2 b2 = env1 == env2 && b1 == b2
_ == _ = False
instance Eq Var where
(Var _ idx1) == (Var _ idx2) = idx1 == idx2

instance Eq Ident where
(Ident _ sym1) == (Ident _ sym2) = sym1 == sym2

instance Eq Constant where
(Constant _ v1) == (Constant _ v2) = v1 == v2

instance Eq App where
(App _ l1 r1) == (App _ l2 r2) = l1 == l2 && r1 == r2

instance Eq BuiltinApp where
(BuiltinApp _ op1 args1) == (BuiltinApp _ op2 args2) = op1 == op2 && args1 == args2

instance Eq Constr where
(Constr _ tag1 args1) == (Constr _ tag2 args2) = tag1 == tag2 && args1 == args2

instance Eq Lambda where
(Lambda _ b1) == (Lambda _ b2) = b1 == b2

instance Eq Let where
(Let _ v1 b1) == (Let _ v2 b2) = v1 == v2 && b1 == b2

instance Eq Case where
(Case _ v1 bs1 def1) == (Case _ v2 bs2 def2) = v1 == v2 && bs1 == bs2 && def1 == def2

instance Eq Pi where
(Pi _ ty1 b1) == (Pi _ ty2 b2) = ty1 == ty2 && b1 == b2

instance Eq Univ where
(Univ _ l1) == (Univ _ l2) = l1 == l2

instance Eq TypeConstr where
(TypeConstr _ sym1 args1) == (TypeConstr _ sym2 args2) = sym1 == sym2 && args1 == args2

makeLenses ''Var
makeLenses ''Ident
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Juvix/Compiler/Core/Pretty/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ instance PrettyCode Node where
Just ni -> ppCode (ni ^. NameInfo.infoName)
Nothing -> return $ kwUnnamedIdent <> pretty _typeConstrSymbol
return $ foldl' (<+>) n' args'
Closure {..} ->
ppCode (substEnv _closureEnv (mkLambda _closureInfo _closureBody))
Closure env l@Lambda {} ->
ppCode (substEnv env (NLam l))

instance PrettyCode a => PrettyCode (NonEmpty a) where
ppCode x = do
Expand Down

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