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anodynos edited this page Dec 7, 2013 · 4 revisions


A description of valid reoccurring type(s) and their behavior.

For somewhat complex types, there is a flexibility of values you can use as there are shortcuts, for example.


Filename specifications (or simply filenames), expressed in either:

  • String in gruntjs's expand minimatch format (eg '**/*.coffee') and its exclusion cousin (eg '!**/DRAFT*.*')

  • RegExps that match filenames (eg /./) again with a

[..., '!', /regexp/, ...]

exclusion pattern.

  • A function(filename){} callback, returning true if filename is to be matched. Consistently it can have a negation/exclusion flag before it:
[..., '!', function(f){ return f === 'excludeMe.js' }, ...]

@note use a `true` (i.e matched) as the result preceded by '!' for exclusion, **rather the common trap than of a false result for your *excluded matches* (cause all your non-excluded with match with true, which is probably not what you want!)**.

* @todo: NOT IMPLEMENTED: An `Array<String|RegExp|Function|Array>, recursive, i.e

[ ..., ['AllowMe*.*', '!', function(f){ return f === 'excludeMe.js' }, [.., []], ...], ...]


bundle: {
filez: [
 '!', /.*\.excludeExtension$/i
 (filename)-> filename is 'includedFile.ext'


Defines one or more dependencies (i.e Modules or other Resources), that each is bound to one or more identifiers (i.e variable or property names).

Its used in many places (like injecting deps in bundle.dependencies.exports.bundle) and is often useful.

Formal depsVars type

The formal type, (i.e. where each depVars value ends up as, no matter how its declared as), is an Object like this:

 'dep1': ['dep1VarName1', 'dep1VarName2'],
 'underscore': ['_'],
 'Backbone': ['backbone'],
 'depN': ['depNVarName1', ...]

Shortcut depsVars types

The depsVars type has shortcuts:

  • Array: eg ['arrayDep1', 'arrayDep2', ..., 'arrayDepn'], with one or more deps.

  • String: eg 'soloDep', of just one dep.

  • or even deps with one identifier { 'lodash': '_', xxx: [] }

Shortcut types are converted to the formal type when deriving, using the dependenciesBindings derive - the above will end up as

  • {arrayDep1:[], arrayDep2:[], ..arrayDepn:[]}

  • {soloDep: []}

  • { 'lodash': ['_'], xxx: [] }

Binding deps and vars is required

  • when injecting dependencies, eg exporting declarativelly through bundle.dependencies.exports.bundle eg 'lodash', bind '_' as the var to access the module in the code.

  • when converting through 'combined' template. Local dependencies (like 'underscore' or 'jquery') are not part of the combined.js file. At run time, when running on the module-less Web side as a combined.js via a simple <script/>, the uRequire generated code will only know how to grab the dependency using the binding $ from the global object (i.e window).

Inferred binding idenifiers

If a dependency (key) ends up with no identifier (var name), for example { myDep:[], ...}, then the identifiers are automagically inferred from:


This type controls if a key applies to all, none or some filenames/module paths. Its either:

  • boolean (true/false), so all or none files/modules get the setting.

  • A filespecs. Important @note: if the config setting (eg globalWindow, useStrict etc) is dealing with modules (usually), a module bundleRelative path is expected without the filename extension, i.e ['models/PersonModel', ...] without '.js'. If dealing with general file, you have to match filename and extension.

Unless otherwise specified, booleanOrFilespecs uses derive arraysConcatOrOverwrite.

Deriving Behaviors

A config can inherit the values of a parent config, in other words it can be derived from it. Its similar notion of a children or subclass overrides a parent class in classical OO (but better).

Ultimately all configs are derived (inherit) from MasterDefaultsConfig (this file) which holds all default parent values.

Deeper Behavior

Derivation is more flexible that simple OO inheritance or _.extend :

  • It inherits deeply all keys, i.e {a: {b1:11, b2:12}} --derive--> {a: {b1:1, b3:3}} gives {a: {b1:11, b2:12, b3:3}}, something like or __.deepExtend

  • At each key of the deep derivation, there might be a different behavior for how to derive (or blend) with the parent's values - eg see arrayizeConcat in @derive.


Both parent (source) and child (destination) values are turned into an Array first (they are _B.arrayize-d).

Then the items on child configs are pushed after the ones they inherit (parents, higher up in hieracrchy).

For example consider key bundle.filez (that has the arrayizeConcat derive behavior).

  • parent config bundle:filez: ['**/*', '!DRAFT/*.*']

  • child config bundle:filez: ['!vendor/*.*]

  • derived config: bundle: filez: ['**/*', '!DRAFT/*.*', '!vendor/*.*].

Use your imagination for the possiblities.


The type for both child and parent values, are either Array<Anything> or Anything but Array (which is _B.arrayize-d first).

Reset Parent

To reset the inherited parent array (always in your new child destination array), use [null] as the 1st item of your child array. For example

  • parent config bundle:filez: ['**/*', '!DRAFT/*.*']

  • child config bundle:filez: [[null], 'vendorOnly/*.*]

  • blended config: bundle: filez: ['vendorOnly/*.*].

@todo: use a function callback on child, that receives parent value (& a clone:-) and returns the resulted blended array.


Just like arrayizeConcat, but only === unique items are pushed to the result array.


If both child and parent values are already an Array, then the items on child (derived) configs are pushed after the ones they inherit (like arrayizeConcat).

Otherwise, the child value (even if its an array) overwrites the value it inherits.

For example consider key build.globalWindow (that has the arraysConcatOrOverwrite derive behavior).

  • parent config build: globalWindow: ['**/*']

  • child config build: globalWindow: true

  • blended config: build: globalWindow: true

or similarly

  • parent config build: globalWindow: true

  • child config build: globalWindow: ['**/*']

  • blended config: build: globalWindow: ['**/*']

@note reset parent works like arrayizeConcat's, so you can produce a new Array, even when deriving from an Array.


This derivation refers to depsVars type.

Each dependency name (the key) of child configs is added to the resulted object, if not already there.

Its identifiers / variable names are then arrayizeUniqueConcat-ed onto the array.

For example with a parent value:

  myDep1: ['myDep1Var1', 'myDep1Var2']

and a child value:

  myDep1: ['myDep1Var1', 'myMissingDep1Var3']

  # identifier is a String, not an Array
  myDep2: 'myDep2Var'

the resulted derived object will be

  # only missing 'myMissingDep1Var3' identifier is appended to array
  myDep1: ['myDep1Var1', 'myDep1Var2', 'myMissingDep1Var3']

  # identifier is arrayized
  myDep2: ['myDep2Var']
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