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anodynos edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 21 revisions

Resource Converters provide a powerful, generic and extendible in-memory conversions workflow / assets pipeline, that is expressive and flexible to cater for all common conversions needs (eg coffeescript, Livescript, coffeecup, less, jade etc).

note: This file is written in Literate Coffeescript: it serves both as markdown documentation AND the actual code, just like MasterDefaultsConfig. This file primary location is & copied over to the - DONT edit it separatelly in the wiki.

What is a ResourceConverter ?

A ResourceConverter (RC) is the buidling block of uRequire's conversions workflow system. An RC is a simplistic declaration and callback wrapping of a compiler/transpiler or any other converter/conversion.

Each RC instance performs a conversion from one resource format (eg coffeescript, teacup) to another converted format (eg javascript, html), for all bundle.filez that also match its own ResourceConverter.filez.

RCs work in a serial chain: one RC's converted result, is the next RCs source.

ResourceConverter workflow principles

Simple authoring... a callback API that enables any kind of conversion, even with one-liners. This is an actual ResourceConverter :

[ '$coco', [ '**/*.co'], function(r){return require('coco').compile(r.convert)}, '.js']

Authoring an RC is very simple and has a formal spec and space saving shortcuts.

Blazing fast...

...with focus to an in-memory conversions workflow, with an only-when-needed asset processing pipeline, where each file is processed/converted/saved/copied only when it really needs to (very useful when used with or grunt's watch).

DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself)...

...via the seamlessly integrated uRequire's configuration settings shared among all your conversion pipelines such as bundle.filez, bundle.path, build.dstPath etc, unobtrusively loading & saving with the leanest possible configuration. Check an example.

Dependencies Matter...

...uRequire provides the first module & dependencies aware build system, with advanced module manipulation features such as injecting or replacing dependencies, matching and replacing/removing AST/String code fragments and more coming.

Transparent Power...

...RCs empower any conversion (and most common ones that would otherwise require their own 'plugin'). In uRequire, many common tasks like compilation (currently Coffeescript, Livescript, coco, IcedCoffeeScript), concatenation and banners (i.e concat) or even injections of text/code fragments, minification (such as uglify), copying of resources, or passing them through arbitrary callbacks are all integrated in one neat DRY configuration.

How do Resource Coverters work ?

Each file in bundle.filez is matched against each ResourceConverter filez in the order defined in your bundle.resources of your config. Each RC that matches a file, marks it as a resource that needs conversion with it, in the order defined in bundle.resources. Files that are not matched by any RC are still useful for declarative binary copy.

When a file (resource) changes, it goes through each matched ResourceConverter instance (rc) - always in the order defined in bundle.resources - effectively rc.convert()-ing resource.source to resource.converted at each subsequent step.

The result of each rc.convert() (i.e resource.converted) is the input to the next matched RC's rc.convert(). The whole process is usually in memory only, with only the 1st read() and last save() being on the file system.

Defining in bundle.resources

A Resource Converter (RC) instance is user-defined inside the bundle.resources Array either as:

  • an Object {}, as described bellow.

  • an Array [], (a shortcut spec) omitting property names that are inferred by position - see alternative array way and The shortest one-liner-converter.

  • by searching/retrieving an already registered RC, either by :

    a) a String 'name', used to retrieve an RC.

    b) by a function, whose context (this) is a search-by-name function that returns the proper RC instance. It can then be changed, cloned etc and return the RC to be added to bundle.resources.

Example :

bundle: resources : [

  {name:"RCname1", descr:"RCname1 description"....}

  ["RCname2", "RCname2 description", ....]

    rc = this("RCname4").clone();
    rc.filez.push '!**/DRAFT*.*';
    return rc;

Also see bundle.resources and the real Default Resource Converters.

Inside a Resource Converter

Ultimately, a ResourceConverter instance has these fields:


A simple name eg. 'coffee-script', but can also have various flags at the start of its initial name - see below - that are applied & stripped each time name is set.

A name should be unique to each RC; otherwise it updates the registered RC by that name (registry is simply used to lookup named RCs).


Any optional details (i.e String) to keep the name tidy - it plays no other role.


A filespecs (i.e an [] of minimatch, RegExp or fns) that matches the files this ResourceConverter deals with, always within the boundaries of bundle.filez.


The actual conversion callback function(resource){return 'convertedText'} that converts some resource's data (eg source, converted etc) and returns it. The only argument passed is a resource (the representation of a file under processing, which might also be a Module).

NOTE: The context (value of this) is set to this ResourceConverter (uRequire >=0.6).

The return value of convert() is stored as resource.converted and its possibly converted again by a subsequent converter (that has also matched the file), leading to an in memory conversion pipeline.

Finally, after all conversions are done (for current build), if resource.converted is a non-empty String, its saved automatically at resource.dstFilepath (which uses build.dstPath) & convFilename below.


How to convert th resource's filename. It can be :

  • a function (dstFilename, srcFilename) { return "someConvertedDstFilename.someext") } that converts the current dstFilename (or the srcFilename) to its new destination dstFilename, eg "" to "file.js".

  • a String which can be either:

    • starting with "." (eg ".js"), where its considered an extension replacement. By default it replaces the extension of dstFilename, but with the "~" flag it performs the extension replacement on srcFilename (eg "").

    • a plain String, returned as is (note: duplicate dstFilename currently causes a build error).


The type is one of ['bundle', 'file', 'text', 'module'] and the default is undefined. For simplicity it can be set by a name flag :

[ name flag] [ type ] [ clazz (used internally) ]
'&' 'bundle' BundleFile
'@' 'file' FileResource
'#' 'text' TextResource
'$' 'module Module

Each RC in bundle.resources is attached to each matching resource (i.e each file that passed through both bundle.filez and filez) and its type (clazz internally) ** marks the resource's class (to be instantiated)** either as BundleFile, FileResource, TextResource or Module - all explained here.

IMPORTANT: Resource Converters order inside bundle.resources does matter, since only the last matching RC (with a type) determines (marks) the actual class of the created resource.

Flags an Nameflags

The following RC instance fields can be set either by :

  • setting the key on the object notation, eg isMatchSrcFilename: true

  • conveniently, by prefixing name with the name flag , eg name: '~myMatchSrcFilename_RC_name'. or ['~myMatchSrcFilename_RC_name', of rc.. ]

When you change name, type and convFilename of an RC, the properties are correctly updated and flags are always set and then stripped.

The name searching can also carry flags, which are applied on the found RC, for example having "#coco" on bundle.resources will both find 'coco' RC and also apply the '#' flag to it (type:"TextResource"), before stripping it and leaving 'coco' as the name of the RC.

The name flag follows the key name, eg as in :

isMatchSrcFilename - "~"

By default (isMatchSrcFilename: false) filename matching of ResourceConverter.filez uses the file's resource instacnce dstFilename, which is set by the last convFilename() that run on the instance (with initial value that of srcFilename).

Use the '~' name flag or (isMatchSrcFilename:true) if you want to match filez against the original source filename (eg. '**/' instead of '**/myfile.js').

Why ?

The sane default allows the creation of reusable RCs, that are agnostic of how the input resource came about. RCs should be as gneric as possible. Whether its filez actual matchedes '.js' file on disk, or became a '.js' from a '.coffee' as part of an in-memory conversion pipeline.

isTerminal - "|"

If an isTerminal:true converter is encountered while processing a file, the conversion process (for that current file/resource) terminates after this RC is done.

You can denote an RC as isTerminal:true in the {} format or with name flag '|'. THe default is ofcourse isTerminal: false.

isBeforeTemplate - "+"

A converter with isBeforeTemplate: true is a special case:

It refers only to Module instances and will run just BEFORE the module is converted through build.template.

The convert(module) function of isBeforeTemplate RCs will always receive a Module instance (Module is a subclass of BundleFile/Resource), that has :

isAfterTemplate - "!"

A converter with isAfterTemplate:true refers only to [Module](#module-extends-textresource instances and will run right AFTER the module is converted through build.template.

By default isAfterTemplate:false. Use the '!' name flag to denote isAfterTemplate: true.

Following the norm, the return value of convert(module) is assigned to converted and (assuming its the last RC) it is the value to be saved as dstFilename (assuming its a non-empty String).

This is the right place to add banners, custom code injections etc, outside of the UMD/AMD/nodejs template and its enclosures.

@see build.template.banner

@note Module Manipulation will make no effect in isAfterTemplate: true RCs, only the return of convert() matters like in all normal RCs!

isAfterOptimize - "%"

Just like isAfterTemplate, but runs after build.optimize is run (if any, or after isAfterTemplate otherwise).

Resource classes

Each file that passes through bundle.filez will be instantiated as one of 4 classes (each extending the previous one):

BundleFile <-- FileResource <-- TextResource <-- Module


Represents a generic file inside the bundle. It also stands as the base class of all file/text resources/modules.

All bundle.filez that :

  • are NOT matched by any RC at all

  • are not matched by any RC that has some specific type/clazz,

  • or last matched by an RC with an explicit type: 'bundle' (or name-flagged with '&')

are instantiated as a BundleFile. BundleFile instances :

  • are NOT converted at all - they are never passed to convert(). Consequently they have no converted content.

  • their contents / (source) are completely unknown / irrelevant. They might be binary files or non-urequire converted files.

  • their sole puropse is they be easily (binary) copied if they match with a simple bundle.copy filespec.

Watching BundleFile changes

When watching, a BundleFile instance is considered as changed, only when fs.stats size or mtime have changed since the last refresh (i.e a partial/full build noting this file).

BundleFile Properties

BundleFile class serves as a base for all resource types - its the parent (and grand* parent) class of the others. Each BF instance (and consequently each resource/module instance passed to convert()) has the following properties :

Filename related


The source filename, within the bundle, Eg 'models/initialValues.json' or 'models/'


Calculated to include bundle.path, eg 'source/code/models/initialValues.json'


The full OS path, eg 'mnt/myproject/source/code/models/initialValues.json - useful for requireing modules without worrying about relative paths.


The destination name of the BundleFile, as it is returned by the last executed convFilename on the file.

Its initial value is srcFilename. Eg 'models/initialValues.json' or 'models/Person.js'.

@note dstXXX : When two ore more files end up with the same dstFilename, build halts (unless srcMain is used). @todo: This should change in the future: when the same dstFilename is encountered in two or more resources/modules, it could mean Pre- or Post- conversion concatenation. Pre- means all sources are concatenated & then passed once to convert, or Post- where each resource is converted alone & but their outputs are concatenated onto that same dstFilename.


Calculated to include build.dstPath, eg 'build/code/models/Person.js'


The full OS destination path, eg 'mnt/myproject/build/code/models/Person.js

Various info properties


Auxiliary, it stores ['mtime', 'size'] from nodejs's fs.statSync, needed internally to decide whether the file has changed at all (at watch events that note it).


Calculates basic sourceMap info (reserved for the future) - eg with

{srcFilepath: 'source/code/', dstFilepath: 'build/code/glink.js'}

sourceMapInfo will become:

sourceMapInfo: {
  file: "file.js",
  sourceRoot: "../../source/code"
  sources: [""]

Note: As of uRequire 0.6.8, generating SourceMaps while converting Modules with Template (UMD / AMD / nodejs / combined) is not implemented. Its only useful for compiling coffee to .js with an RC like this.

Utility methods


Each BundleFile (or subclasses) instance is equiped with a copy(srcFilename, dstFilename) function, that binary copies a file (synchronously) from its source (bundle.path + srcFilename) to its destination (build.dstPath + dstFilename).

It can be used without any or both arguments, where the 1st defaults to srcFilename and 2nd to dstFilename.

Both filenames passed as arguments are appended respectively to bundle.path & build.dstPath, so they are always read and written within your bundle's boundaries.

@note: to avoid the appending to bundle.path & build.dstPath, use the static resource.constructor.copy() that has no default arguments or appending.

No redundancies

copy() always makes sure that no redundant copies are made: when the destination file exists, it checks nodejs's fs.stat 'mtime', 'size' and copies over only if either is changed, and skips if they are the same. It returns true if a copy was made, false if it was skipped.


With copy() you can have a converter that simply copies each file in RC.filez, eg:

['@copyVendorJs', ['vendorJs/**/*.js'], (r) -> r.copy()]

or copies them renamed, from bundle.path to build.dstPath eg

['@copyRenamedVendorJs', ['vendorJs/**/*.js'], (r) -> r.copy(undefined, 'renamed_' + e.dstFilename)]


A utility function(moduleName) that is a wrapper to nodejs's require(moduleName), that makes sure the cached module (and its dependencies) is cleared before loading it.

Its useful if you want to load a file (that changed on disk's bundle.path) as a nodejs module. The problem with plain require is that nodejs modules are cached and don't reload when file on disk changes.

The instance method is a wrapper to the BundleFile.requireClean() static method, added as instance method for convenience with resource.srcRealpath as the default value of the name argument.

Example: see 'teacup' at Extra Resource Converters

Can't touch these

There are also some other BundleFIle methods that are used internally only, like refresh() & reset() - you shouldn't use them!

FileResource extends BundleFile

ResourceConverters that mark files as FileResource have a name flag '@' or type: 'file'

A FileResource represents an external file, whose source contents we know nothing of: we dont read it upon refresh() or base our 'hasChanged' decision on its source.

FileResource instances are useful when their corresponding file source contents are not useful (eg binary files), or we simply want to save time from double-reading them. For instance we might want to :

  • read their contents our selves

  • require them as modules (perhaps with requireClean()) and execute their code to get some result.

  • spawn external programs to convert them, copy 'em, etc

In all cases the call is synchronous.

Example: consider 'teacup' in Extra Resource Converters: each time the underlying FileResource changes, it loads it as a nodejs module (which returns a teacup function/template) and them renders it to HTML via the 'teacup' module.

If convert() returns a String, it is stored as converted on the instance and it is saved at dstFilename at each build cycle.

Watching FileResource changes

When watching suggests the underlying file has changed, a FileResource instance is considered as changed, only when fs.stats's size & mtime have changed, functionality inherited by BundleFile. The contents are NOT checked on each refresh().

FileResource Methods

Paradoxically, a FileResource instance has instance methods to read() and save() (all synchronous):


A function(filename, options) that reads and returns contents of the source file. It takes two optional arguments:

  • filename, which is appended to bundle.path. It defaults to resource.srcFilename. @note: Use the static method to skip bundle.path appended to filename

  • options hash, passed as is to fs.readFileSync, with utf8 as the default encoding.

You can use read() on demand from within convert(), for example:

convert: function(fileResource){ return 'someContent' + }


A function(filename, content, options) that saves the contents to the destination file. It takes three optional arguments:

  • filename, appended to build.dstPath and defaults to resource.dstFilename @note: Use the static that has no dstPath appending and default values (only 'utf8' is default)

  • content, the (String) contents to be saved, defaults to resource.converted

  • options hash which is passed to fs.writeFileSync with 'utf8' as default encoding.


If a ResourceConverter has an srcMain, then its only the srcMain that really needs processing (eg main.less). The srcMain is copied to each FileResource matched and its role can be seen as to group all matching ResourceConverter.filez together and be converted as one main destination file, whenever each source file in the gorup changes. Resources with an srcMain can have the same dstFilename and are best to be kept as FileResource (and not for instance TextResource that reads the text content), since all import 'otherstyle.less' happens outside the control of uRequire and it would be pointless.

Since uRequire 0.7.0 ResourceConverter authors don't need to add any special srcMain sauce, it works out of the box.

TextResource extends FileResource

A subclass of FileResource, it represents any textual/utf-8 Resource, (eg a .coffee file).

The only difference to its parent is that it calls read() each time it refreshes and stores it as resource.source (and the initial value of resource.converted) and then it takes resource.source into account for watching.

Watching TextResource changes

A TextResource instance is considered as changed, if parents say so (fs.stats's size & mtime) and if they do, it checks if [read()]-ing(#read) the source has changed.

This is to prevent a lengthy processing/converting of files that the editor has saved/changed/touched, but no real content change has occurred.

TextResource Properties

Along with from those inherited from FileResource/ BundleFile, each TextResource has


This represents the current converted contents of the file, as it was after the last ResourceConverter.convert.

At each refresh, converted is initialized to source, so your first ResourceConverter.convert in chain will receive a converted that equals source.

Its best to use converted (instead of source) to read the contents of the last conversion, so that RCs are reusable and chainable.


This always represents the original contents of the file, as it was last read (automatically) when the file (changed &) refreshed. Keep in mind that:

  • You never need to set this your self on a TextResource - its automatically set when needed.

  • Paradoxically you should rarely need to read source within your convert(), when you define a ResourceConverter. Because RCs work best in chain, your RCs should read converted instead, which is the result of the previous ResourceConvert convert, and take it from there on.

That of course is unless you really want the orginal contents of the file, eg you might want to discard their converted so far and start afresh.

Note that even if you know there are no previous RCs run agaisnt your file (eg you are creating a new HotCofreeScript RC), you can still read converted instead of source, since converted is initialized to source each time a TextResource refreshes.

Module extends TextResource

A Module is javascript code, usually with node/commonjs require() / module.exports or AMD style define() dependencies.

Each Module instance is refreshed/converted just like a TextResource, but its javascript source and dependencies come into play:

and finally

  • The Module gets its @converted string through the chosen build.template. It essentially regenerates the AST factoryBody surrounded by the template's data, dependency injections etc.

Watching Module changes

A Module instance is considered as changed (hence its module info adjusting), if parent says so(fs.stats & @source), but also if the resulting Javascript source has changed. This is for example to prevent processing a module whose coffeescript/livescript/coco etc source has changed, but its javascript compiled code remained the same (eg you changed coffeescript's whitespaces).

Manipulating Modules

The special isBeforeTemplate flag of ResourceConverters allows advanced manipulation of Modules: when this flag is true on an RC, the ResourceConverter runs (only) just before the template is applied, but after having AST parsed the javascript code and extracted/adjusted the module's dependencies.

Hence, the convert() RC method is passed a Module instance with fully extracted & adjusted dependencies, with a parsed AST tree and with facilities to manipulate it at a very high level, far more flexible than simple textual manipulation/conversion.

Note: for isBeforeTemplate RCs, the return value of convert() is ignored - the template uses only AST, dependencies & templates to produce its converted at the next step (template rendering). Use the Module Members to affect the resulted converted.

Module Members

The following member properties/methods manipulate a Module instance:

Inject any string before & after body


Any String that is concatenated just before the original 'body' on the template rendering, for example:

[ '+inject:VERSION', ['uberscore.js'], 
  function(modyle){modyle.beforeBody = "var VERSION='" + version + "';"}]

Module 'uberscore.js' will always get this string injected before its main body, inside the module, in all templates.


A String concatenated after the original body, just like beforeBody.


This is code (as String) that is considered common amongst most modules. Examples are initializations, exporting/importing variables etc.

It is added just before beforeBody for all templates except 'combined' template.

Instead in 'combined' template, the mergedCode code from all modules is merged into one section and its added to the closure only once. Thus its declarations are available to all modules, but it saves space & speed.

When to use mergedCode

It stands between beforeBody and bundle.commonCode. The rationale for using it instead, is:

  • having common code to most/many modules

  • but wanting to exclude one or more Modules from having it.

Thus using

  • beforeBody would waste space, since the same code would always be repeated in all modules, even on 'combined' template.

  • bundle.commonCode would have it included in all modules in non-combined templates, even those we don't want to.

@example: Consider this problem :

  • having a module 'stuff/myModule.js' that exports an {} with an awful lot of properties p1, p2, ...pN.

  • You want to import all of these properties (i.e have them available as normal variables p1, p2 etc) in all other modules.

What you can do is:

  • define the importing code as mergedCode in all modules but excluding the exporting one, ie.
[ '+importMyModuleVars', ['**/*.js', '!stuff/myModule.js'],
    m.mergedCode = "var p1 = myModule.p1, p2 = myModule.p2, ..., pN = myModule.pN;"
 dependencies: imports: { 'stuff/myModule': 'myModule' }

That's it!

Manipulate/replace AST code


A method replaceCode(matchCode, replCode) that replaces (or removes) a code statement/expression that matches a code 'skeleton'. It takes two arguments:

  • matchCode : (mandatory) the statement/expression to match in the AST body - it can be either:

  • a String, which MUST BE a single parseable Javascript statement/expression (it gets converted to AST, getting the first only body[] node). For example:

'if (l.deb()){}' // an if skeleton without else part

will match all code like :

if (l.deb(someParam, anotherParam)){
} // no else or it wont match
   type: 'IfStatement'
       type: 'CallExpression'
           type: 'MemberExpression'
           object: type: 'Identifier', name: 'l'
           property: type: 'Identifier', name: 'deb' 

that matches an if (l.deb())... with or without an else part.

In both cases, the resulting AST 'skeleton' node will be compared against each traversed AST node in module's body, matching only its existing object keys / array items and their values with the traversed node - for example {type: 'IfStatement'} matches all nodes that have this key/value irrespective of all others.

  • replCode: (optional) the replacement code, taking the place of each node that matched matchCode. It can be either:

  • undefined, in which case each matched code node is removed from the AST tree (or replaced with an EmptyStatement if its not in a block).

  • A String, again of a single parsable javascript statement/expression.

  • a valid AST fragment, which should escodegen.generate to javascript

  • a function(matchingAstNode){return node} which again returns either undefined/null, a String with valid javascript or a generatable AST fragement.


resources: [
    '+remove:debug/deb', [/./]
    # perform the replacement / deletion
    # note: return value is ignored in '+' `isBeforeTemplate` RCs
    (modyle) -> modyle.replaceCode 'if (l.deb()){}'

will remove all code that matches the 'if (l.deb()){}' skeleton.

Inject / replace dependencies


A method replaceDep(oldDep, newDep, options) that replaces dependencies in the resolved dependencies arrays and the body AST (i.e require('../some/dep') of this module. Its taking 3 arguments:

  • matchDep: the dependency/ies to match and replace. It might be either :

String: the dep either in bundleRelative format, eg 'models/Person' where its calculated relative to bundle, or in fileRelative eg '../models/Person' where its calculated relative to this file/module by default (but can be overridden, see options).

The String can also be either:

  • a partial match, denoted with '|' as the last char, eg 'data/models|', which triggers a partial replacement / translation, see partial replacements below.

  • a mimimatch String, eg '**/model/Person*'

RegExp: a regexp that matches the dep (including the possible plugin and extension), that is caclulated according to options (fileRelative with both plugin and extension by default) @todo: examples

Function: called with depName, dep, options @todo: explain better ?

  • newDep: the dependency to replace with, which can be:

    String: of relative type in options eg 'mockModels/PersonMock' or 'lodash'

    Dependency: an internal class, not currently a documented part of the user API.

    Function: with arguments depName & dep of the dependency that matched, and returns either a String or a Dependency. @todo: document better ?

    undefined/null: If newDep is omitted (i.e undefined), the dependency is removed from the module's dependencies, along with its corresponding parameter (if any). @note its not removed from the actual module's body, i.e if it exists as a myDepVar = require('dep')).

  • options a hash with some of these props: relative: either 'bundle' or 'file', defaults to 'file' if matchDep as string starts with '.', 'bundle' otherwise. plugin: boolean, whether to consider plugin ext: boolean, whether to consider extension

@example: m.replaceDep('models/Person', 'mockModels/PersonMock')

Partial replacements / translation

@todo: explain better

@example mod.replaceDep('../lib|', '../UMD', {relative:'bundle'}) will replace the starting path of all (external) dependencies that start with '../lib' (when calculated relative to bundle), with '../UMD'.

So if the module is 'somedir/myModule' and has a fileRelative dep '../../lib/someDir/someDep' (i.e '../lib/someDir/someDep' if calculated relative to bundle taking the path of the module into account), the dep will be translated to ``'../../UMD/someDir/someDep'`.


A method injectDeps(depVars) that injects one or more dependencies, along with one or more variables/identifiers to bind with on the module. Its taking only one argument of depVars type.

For example:

    'lodash': '_',
    'models/Person': ['persons', 'personsModel']


  modyle.injectDeps(['lodash', 'models/Person'])

that infers binding idenifiers.

The deps are are always given in bundleRelative format. It makes sure that :

  • not two same-named parameters are injected - the 'late arrivals' bindings are simply ignored (with a warning). So if a Module already has a parameter '_' and you try to inject 'lodash':'_', it wont be injected at all.

  • Not injecting a self-dependency. If you are at module 'agreements/isAgree', trying to inject dependency 'agreements/isAgree' will be ignored (without a warning, only a debug message).

Circular dependencies:

Dependencies are also NOT injected in these two cases that would create Circular dependencies:

  • In other injected bundle dependencies of depVars in this modyle.injectDeps(depVars) call. This makes sure that in
    'lodash': '_',
    'utils/MyError': 'MyError',
    'utils/functionalUtils': 'functionalUtils'

both utils/MyError & utils/functionalUtils will NOT be injected in each other, BUT 'lodash' will be (cause its a local and not part of your bundles modules) .

  • when the module A that is the dependency to be injected in module B, is already a dependency to B. So consider a call to
  modyle.injectDeps({'config': 'config' });

where config.js module is

  var defaultConfig = require('common/defaultConfig');
  module.exports = helpers.deepMerge(defaultConfig, {foo: {bar: ''}});

and we are about to inject config.js as a dependency into common/defaultConfig. In this case, if we injected we would have created a circular dependency which is not what we intended, so urequire will make the decision NOT to inject.

In these two case, you have to do it explicitly var a = require('some/other/injected/mod') and know what you're doing. Also you can modyle.injectDeps({'config': 'config' }, true); to force circular deps to be injected.

See and for more details.

@note: uRequire doesn't enforce that the injected dependency is valid, for example whether it exists in the bundle - but you 'll get an error report in the end.

@note injectDeps() is used internally to inject dependencies.imports (on templates that actually need this injection, i.e all except 'combined').

@note If you 're injecting a dep in all modules, consider adding to dependencies.imports, to save size/speed on 'combined' template.

Other Properties

There is a number of properties that a Module holds, most of them are only useful internally - check fileResources/ for more information - here's a small bunch of potentially useful members:


The full path of the module within the bundle, without an extension

@example 'data/models/PersonModel'


Either 'AMD' or 'nodejs'


For kind being :

  • 'nodejs' : The whole code of the module, extracted from any IFI

  • 'AMD': The body of the factory function, eg for define(function(){ alert('foo'); } its alert('foo');

AST_factoryBody holds the actual nodes, and factoryBody is generated (calculated property) each time its read.


The code preceding define when it is enclosed in an IFI - see Merging pre-define IFI statements. AST_preDefineIIFENodes holds the actual AST nodes.

Default Resource Converters

The following code (that is actually part of uRequire's code), defines the Default Resource Converters 'javascript', 'coffee-script', 'livescript' & 'coco' all as type:'module' (via '$' flag). They are the default bundle.resources:

defaultResourceConverters = [

The formal Object way to define a Resource Converter

This is a dummy .js RC, following the formal & boring ResourceConverter definition as an {}:

      # name - with a '$' flag to denote `type: 'module'`.
      name: '$javascript'

      descr: "Dummy js converter, justs marks `.js` files as `Module`s."

      # type is like `bundle.filez`, matches files RC deals with
      filez: [
        # minimatch string, with exclusions as '!**/*temp.*'

        # RegExps as well, with[.., `'!', /myRegExp/`] for exclusions

        # a `function(filename){}` also valid, with '!' for exclusion

      # javascript needs no compilation - returns source as is
      # could have `undefined` in convert's place
      # we use m.converted (which defaults to m.source), cause
      # you never know what super duper RC conversion run before!
      convert: (modyle) -> modyle.converted

      # convert .js | .javascript to .js
      convFilename: (srcFilename) ->
        require('upath').changeExt srcFilename, 'js'

      # not needed, we have '$' flag to denote `type: 'module'`
      type: 'module'

The alternative (less verbose) Array way

Thankfully there are better & quicker ways to define a ResourceConverter. The "coffee-script" RC is defined as an [] instead of {} and is much less verbose. It is by default loaded as a separate urequire-rc-coffee-script node dependency, just referenced here.


The alternative, even shorter [] RC way for "livescript".

Again loaded as urequire-rc-livescript node dependency with this reference.


The shortest way ever, one-liner, no comments converters.

The following two are for "iced-coffee-script" & "coco".

    #'iced-coffee-script' # removed from loaded as default cause of a weird npm error - add it manually (`npm install urequire-rc-iced-coffee-script` and then in your `bundle: resources: [ 'iced-coffee-script', ....]` :-)  

This is what the 'coco' RC actually looks like:

['$coco', [ '**/*.co'], ((r) -> require('coco').compile r.converted, @options), '.js'].

As an example, if you wanted to pass some coco options (that _.extend default options), use this format instead of a plain 'coco' String:

    ['coco', {bare: false}]

How do we get such flexibility with both [] & {} formats? Check


Just export default and extra RCs and go grab a cup of coffee!

# used as is by `bundle.resources`
exports.defaultResourceConverters = defaultResourceConverters

Add some coffeescript define and merge

AMD Modules written in coffee, livescript, iced-coffee-script, coco and others have the advantage of merging pre-define IIFE-statements in combined template. But for modules originally written in nodejs/common this is not the case, how can we take advantage of it?

Just wrap a define -> and module.exports, indent and turn any coffeescript nodejs module into AMD BEFORE compiling from .coffee to .js!

We need to add this as the very 1st in defaultResourceConverters, and have it disabled by default.

ResourceConverter = require './ResourceConverter' # circular dep, but exports is already set :-)

defaultResourceConverters.unshift wrapCoffeeDefineCommonJS =
  new ResourceConverter [
    [ '**/*.coffee' # not working with .litcoffee
      '**/*.co', '**/*.ls', '**.iced' ]

    (r) ->
      lines = r.converted.split '\n'
      r.converted = 'define ->\n'
      for line in lines when line
        r.converted += '  ' + line + '\n'
      r.converted += "  return module.exports"

    # no `convFilename` - extension is still coffee/co/ls/iced or whatever matched

wrapCoffeeDefineCommonJS.enabled = false

Now in your config, just have a resources: [->(@ 'wrapCoffeeDefineCommonJS').enabled = true; null] and treat your coffeescript nodejs source as AMD modules - just make sure that they are indeed commonjs and not AMD!

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