Archi is an OCaml library for managing the lifecycle of stateful components and their dependencies.
$ opam install archi # choose your preferred runtime: archi-lwt archi-async
TODO, read the mli file for now.
The design of this library is heavily inspired by the component
library for Clojure. The terminology is similar, and so is the API.
open Lwt.Infix
open Archi_lwt
module Database = struct
type db = { handle : int }
let start () =
Format.eprintf "Started DB.@.";
Lwt_result.return { handle = 42 }
let stop _db = Lwt_io.eprintlf "Stopped DB.%!"
let component = Component.make ~start ~stop
module WebServer = struct
type t = Lwt_io.server
let start () _db : (t, [ `Msg of string ]) Lwt_result.t =
let listen_address = Unix.(ADDR_INET (inet_addr_loopback, 3000)) in
Lwt_io.establish_server_with_client_address listen_address (fun _ _ ->
Lwt_io.printlf "Client connected.%!")
>>= fun server ->
Format.eprintf "Started server.@.";
Lwt_result.return server
let stop server =
Lwt_io.shutdown_server server >>= fun () ->
Lwt_io.eprintlf "Stopped server.%!"
let component =
Component.using ~start ~stop ~dependencies:[ Database.component ]
let system =
[ "db", Database.component; "server", WebServer.component ]
let main () =
System.start () system >>= fun system ->
match system with
| Ok system ->
let forever, waiter = Lwt.wait () in
(fun _ ->
Format.eprintf "SIGINT received, tearing down.@.";
Lwt.async (fun () ->
System.stop system >|= fun _stopped_system ->
Lwt.wakeup_later waiter ()))));
| Error error ->
"ERROR: %s@."
(match error with `Msg s -> s | `Cycle_found -> "cycle found");
exit 1
let () = (main ())
Copyright (c) 2020 António Nuno Monteiro
Archi is distributed under the 3-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE.