Sample setup for a basic Continuous Integration workflow in Circle CI as presented DevTrails Berlin, May 16, 2018.
Everyone in the Salesforce ecosystem knows how painful the rollout of changes with Changeset can be, and how tedious the setup for Ant build jobs is. Luckily, Salesforce DX is a huge leap forward in terms of modern enterprise software lifecycle management. I am going to present how my development toolchain links DX, Clayton and Circle CI, and we are going to build a Circle configuration together to help you getting rid of change sets forever.
- Salesforce DX CLI. Download from
- Version control system (use Github or Bitbucket for SSO with the tools involved)
- free account at Circle CI (signup using your CVS login)
- free account at (signup using your CVS login)
Nice to have:
- a change management workflow
- a basic concept of the Salesforce development lifecycle
- a branching model (start with Gitflow if this is completely new for you)