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WebView Detection and Package Updates

aayush-tripathi edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

This wiki page delves into the process of detecting the Android System WebView version on a user's device and outlines strategies for handling scenarios where an update/install might be required.

What is WebView?

A WebView is a view component in the Android development framework that lets your app render web content. This capability allows web-based functionalities to be seamlessly integrated into your software by effectively embedding a tiny web browser within its interface.

The Android System WebView is a system component that is necessary for WebView to work properly.

Possible Issues:

  • Missing WebView:

    In this case, the android device has neither (Android System WebView on older devices) nor (Android System WebView on newer devices).

    To fix this: You must Install the latest version of Android System WebView.

  • Outdated WebView:

    Your device has the correct Android System WebView however lacks the minimum requirement (>=77) for AnkiDroid to function properly.

    Again, you can fix this by updating to the latest version of Android System WebView.

  • Outdated Android Native WebView:

    This error is only applicable to older Android (<=7) devices. If you have received this message, you must follow the following steps:

    1. Disable the older System WebView on your device

      To do this,

      1. Open the Settings app on your device.
      2. Choose "Apps" section within the settings and tap "More".
      3. Tap "Show System".
      4. Tap "Android System WebView" and then tap "Disable".
    2. Install the Latest Version of Android System WebView.

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