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  1. Linux Ubuntu 20.04


  1. Clone repo to local
git clone
  1. Install rvm and nvm

  2. Install ruby 3.0.1

rvm install 3.0.1
  1. Install Node 16.4.2
nvm install 16.4.2
  1. Install Postgres
sudo apt install postgresql-12 libpq-dev
  1. Create Username and password to access postgreSQL
sudo -u postgres createuser aniket -s   // In place of aniket you can give your name
sudo -u postgres psql

To set password for the new user we just created

postgres=# \password aniket   // aniket is the username 

Then Enter possword and re-enter it to confirm it.

  1. Go to authentication-and-authorization/ds-assignment-backend
cd authentication-and-authorization/ds-assignment-backend
  1. Install gem
bundle install
  1. Install node packages
yarn install
  1. Setup ENV's

Open .env

  1. Update DATABASE_URL in .env as per local psql creds. For example, if the user is aniket and password is aniket, change the variable as DATABASE_URL="postgres://aniket:aniket@localhost/ds-assignment-backend?encoding=utf8&pool=5&timeout=5000"

  2. Run rake db:create to create the database

rake db:create
  1. Run rake db:migrate for migrations
rake db:migrate
  1. Run rake db:seed for populating the database with initial data
rake db:seed
  1. Run rails s to run rails server
rails s
  1. Navigate to

Session based Authentication

  1. It takes you to root page The Sign In and Sign Up are basicdevise session based authentions.

The {"name"=>"Web Client", "client_id"=>"NJkR6r9S5XlZyaqmWTwwWoZ4TM4j2dJssD5jkIZgIwY", "client_secret"=>"4hq0friqgrFaH0mxsY0szZHSbo2M-wLODIcGSxAXb7M"} is used in API authentication and authorization


  1. SignUp link take us to the Sign Up page


  1. SignIn link takes us to the Sign In page


API Based Authentication and Authorization

  • For this we would need an Postman APP

20. To Register a User through API

  • In postman app, copy and paste the URL and Request should be POST
  • Go to Header Section of the postman app add Content-Type application/json
  • Go to Body select raw and paste the below lines
   "email" : "[email protected]",                            // email you would like to register
   "password" : "password",                                           // password you would like to regiter  
   "client_id" : "NJkR6r9S5XlZyaqmWTwwWoZ4TM4j2dJssD5jkIZgIwY"        // copy the client_id in the root page and replace it with the current string
  • Copy the below link and page it in the postman Enter Request URL input box
  • you can expect a similar kind of response
    "id": 3,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "access_token": "-9dZnzOYHrn2o1FWgaqw6RjTu5YcAMniNAcg3wy-6YI",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "496f3c806bfa1d2626cfddf8b67ab312e0a78b9b3ddaeecd70aa9e70d173d579",
    "created_at": 1653948033


21. To LogIn a User through API

  • In postman app, copy and paste the URL and Request should be POST
  • Go to Header Section of the postman app add Content-Type application/json
  • Go to Body select raw and paste the below lines
   "grant_type" : "password",
   "email" : "[email protected]",
   "password" : "password",
   "client_id" : "NJkR6r9S5XlZyaqmWTwwWoZ4TM4j2dJssD5jkIZgIwY",
   "client_secret" : "4hq0friqgrFaH0mxsY0szZHSbo2M-wLODIcGSxAXb7M"

  • Copy the below link and page it in the postman Enter Request URL input box
  • you can expect a similar kind of response
    "access_token": "tR3CriKQhT24e5JQ05kSaJxF1jnl3aCW43bFGnR-JJQ",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 7200,
    "refresh_token": "t6FpPW-1Kw1p_kchsMwii1ruI_h6pHQI4x9MtJJYkaA",
    "created_at": 1653948364


21. To LogOut a User through API

  • In postman app, copy and paste the URL and Request should be POST
  • Go to Header Section of the postman app add Content-Type application/json
  • Go to Body select raw and paste the below lines
   "token" : "UPML64iUotDeSjqLQBvTAuLB7DmVVla2TuGcg6Fb0Ek",
   "client_id" : "NJkR6r9S5XlZyaqmWTwwWoZ4TM4j2dJssD5jkIZgIwY",
   "client_secret" : "4hq0friqgrFaH0mxsY0szZHSbo2M-wLODIcGSxAXb7M"
  • Copy the below link and page it in the postman Enter Request URL input box
  • you can expect a similar kind of response


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