This PHP package came from the need to have a well documented, functional package to help communicate with the Paladins developer API. This package is built using Laravel 5 components and has not been tested outside of that environment.
While this branch is not merged with master
, you should add the following requirement to your composer.json
and the corresponding repository:
"require": {
"halfpetal/illuminate-onoi-cache": "^1.0",
"paladinsdev/php-api": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
$ composer require paladinsdev/php-api
There are two ways of using the class, however only 1 recommended. The singleton method is used on Paladins Ninja and handles hundreds of thousands a matches a day.
use PaladinsDev\PHP\PaladinsAPI;
class YourClass
public function getSomePlayer()
$playerDetails = PaladinsAPI::getInstance('YourDevId', 'YourDevAuthKey', $cacheDriver)->getPlayer('SomePlayer');
Laravel makes it very easy to use singletons using the make
method. You just have to register the singleton in a service provider.
use PaladinsDev\PHP\PaladinsAPI;
function ($app) {
$cacheDriver = new Cache(app(Repository::class));
return PaladinsAPI::getInstance(config('app.paladins_devid'), config('app.paladins_authkey'), $cacheDriver);
This assumes you have two environment variables PALADINS_DEVID
You can edit this however you like.
Then, this is how you may use the make
use PaladinsDev\PHP\PaladinsAPI;
$paladinsApi = $this->app->make(PaladinsAPI::class);
If you can't access the $app
variable, you can use it by calling App::make(PaladinsAPI::class)
and then use it just like a normal instance of a class.
use PaladinsDev\PHP\PaladinsAPI;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
$paladinsApi = App::make(PaladinsAPI::class);
This is not recommended as Hi-Rez / Evil Mojo only allows so many sessions a day and the more sessions you create, the quicker you'll get to reaching that limit. Caching should be able to handle this method...but it's still not recommended.
use PaladinsDev\PHP\PaladinsAPI;
class YourClass
private $api;
public function __construct()
$this->api = new PaladinsAPI('YourDevId', 'YourDevAuthKey', $cacheDriver);
public function getSomePlayer()
$playerDetails = $this->api->getPlayer('SomePlayer');
To uncouple the Laravel/Iluminate framework from the package, we've taken a page from TeamReflex's book and integrated Onoi Cache.
You can pass the driver as the 3rd parameter of the constructor or getInstance
composer require halfpetal/illuminate-onoi-cache
use Halfpetal\Onoi\Illuminate\Cache;
use Illuminate\Cache\Repository;
$cacheDriver = new Cache(app(Repository::class));