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ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'ngDoCheck' of null #393

crabouif opened this issue Aug 27, 2017 · 11 comments · Fixed by #394
bug has pr A PR has been created to address this issue P1 Urgent issue that should be resolved before the next re-lease


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crabouif commented Aug 27, 2017

I have a form with some flex layout inside. But sometimes when I change the route by a link, the app crash with error

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'ngDoCheck' of null

I found that happen in file flex-layout.es5.js line 2906. The piece of code is

ClassDirective.prototype.ngDoCheck = function () {
        if (!this._classAdapter.hasMediaQueryListener) {

Then if I patch to

    ClassDirective.prototype.ngDoCheck = function () {
        if (!this._classAdapter.hasMediaQueryListener) {
        if (this._ngClassInstance) {

the issue doesn't apear anymore.

My context is:

@angular/cli: 1.3.2
node: 7.10.1
os: linux x64
@angular/animations: 4.3.6
@angular/cdk: 2.0.0-beta.8
@angular/common: 4.3.6
@angular/compiler: 4.3.6
@angular/core: 4.3.6
@angular/flex-layout: 2.0.0-beta.9
@angular/forms: 4.3.6
@angular/http: 4.3.6
@angular/material: 2.0.0-beta.8
@angular/platform-browser: 4.3.6
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic: 4.3.6
@angular/router: 4.3.6
@angular/cli: 1.3.2
@angular/compiler-cli: 4.3.6
@angular/language-service: 4.3.6

I dont know if its related, but I have a reactive form and each time the user change something, I save the values. This issue happen after a various number of modifications (and so saves).

      .filter(v => form.valid)
      .subscribe(v => {
        this.state = FormModelState.Saving;
          .subscribe(res => {
              this.state = FormModelState.Saved;
              this.error = "";
            e => {
              this.state = FormModelState.SaveError;
              this.error = e;


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thaihuyhung commented Aug 27, 2017

I faced the same issue in many places of my Application.

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ThomasBurleson commented Aug 27, 2017

@crabouif - This error you are experiencing is very weird since the constructor always ensures an valid instance of the this._ngClassInstance (

function ClassDirective(monitor, _ngEl, _renderer, _oldRenderer, _iterableDiffers, _keyValueDiffers, _ngClassInstance) {
    var _this =, monitor, _ngEl, _renderer) || this;
    _this.monitor = monitor;
    _this._ngClassInstance = _ngClassInstance;
    _this._classAdapter = new BaseFxDirectiveAdapter('class', monitor, _ngEl, _renderer);
    _this._ngClassAdapter = new BaseFxDirectiveAdapter('ngClass', monitor, _ngEl, _renderer);
    if (!_this._ngClassInstance) {
        _this._ngClassInstance = new NgClass(_iterableDiffers, _keyValueDiffers, _ngEl, _oldRenderer);
    return _this;

So I am completely confused how your reference could be null. Can you provide an online Plunkr that reproduces this error ?

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crabouif commented Aug 28, 2017

First thanks for your reactivity!

Sorry, for the moment, I can't do the Plunkr. But what I can say is this occures when the view is destroying. Maybe this this._ngClassInstance is destroyed before the calling of ngDoCheck ?

Here is the call stack.

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'ngDoCheck' of null
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ngDoCheck' of null
    at ClassDirective.webpackJsonp.../../../flex-layout/@angular/flex-layout.es5.js.ClassDirective.ngDoCheck (vendor.bundle.js:105741)
    at checkAndUpdateDirectiveInline (vendor.bundle.js:98799)
    at checkAndUpdateNodeInline (vendor.bundle.js:100297)
    at checkAndUpdateNode (vendor.bundle.js:100236)
    at debugCheckAndUpdateNode (vendor.bundle.js:101097)
    at debugCheckDirectivesFn (vendor.bundle.js:101038)
    at Object.eval [as updateDirectives] (ng:///AppModule/PatientEditComponent.ngfactory.js:1462)
    at Object.debugUpdateDirectives [as updateDirectives] (vendor.bundle.js:101023)
    at checkAndUpdateView (vendor.bundle.js:100203)
    at callWithDebugContext (vendor.bundle.js:101423)
    at ClassDirective.webpackJsonp.../../../flex-layout/@angular/flex-layout.es5.js.ClassDirective.ngDoCheck (vendor.bundle.js:105741)
    at checkAndUpdateDirectiveInline (vendor.bundle.js:98799)
    at checkAndUpdateNodeInline (vendor.bundle.js:100297)
    at checkAndUpdateNode (vendor.bundle.js:100236)
    at debugCheckAndUpdateNode (vendor.bundle.js:101097)
    at debugCheckDirectivesFn (vendor.bundle.js:101038)
    at Object.eval [as updateDirectives] (ng:///AppModule/PatientEditComponent.ngfactory.js:1462)
    at Object.debugUpdateDirectives [as updateDirectives] (vendor.bundle.js:101023)
    at checkAndUpdateView (vendor.bundle.js:100203)
    at callWithDebugContext (vendor.bundle.js:101423)
    at resolvePromise (polyfills.bundle.js:3340)
    at resolvePromise (polyfills.bundle.js:3311)
    at polyfills.bundle.js:3389
    at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (polyfills.bundle.js:2970)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (vendor.bundle.js:91829)
    at ZoneDelegate.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (polyfills.bundle.js:2969)
    at Zone.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.runTask (polyfills.bundle.js:2737)
    at drainMicroTaskQueue (polyfills.bundle.js:3147)
    at ZoneTask.webpackJsonp.../../../../zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (polyfills.bundle.js:3048)
    at invokeTask (polyfills.bundle.js:3972)

And some callstack print screen.

Here is the destroyed view. I'm not sure because that is no flex inside?!


Then here the calling of destroy.




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ThomasBurleson commented Aug 28, 2017

@crabouif - It appears that your template is only using class without any responsive features (eg class.xs="", etc). For our team testing purposes, can you paste your HTML template below?

Note: the Flex-Layout StyleDirective and ClassDirective instances should deactivate if responsive keys are not used. E.g. the [class] selector should be removed.

This is a bug.

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crabouif commented Aug 28, 2017

Here is my HTML:

<md-toolbar class="sidenav-toolbar">
  <span *ngIf="isNew">Nouveau patient</span>
  <span *ngIf="!isNew">Modification du patient</span>

  <span class="fill-remaining-space"></span>


<form #patientForm [formGroup]="patient" novalidate>
  <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="start none" class="fields-row">
    <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="start none" class="fields-column left-part">

      <md-card class="address-info">
        <div class="fields-row" formGroupName="person">
            <input formControlName="politness" mdInput placeholder="Politesse" [mdAutocomplete]="autoPolitness">
          <md-autocomplete #autoPolitness="mdAutocomplete">
            <md-option value="Madame">Madame</md-option>
            <md-option value="Monsieur">Monsieur</md-option>
        <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="start none" class="fields-row" formGroupName="person">
            <input formControlName="firstName" mdInput placeholder="Prénom">
            <md-hint *ngIf="patient.hasError('required', 'person.firstName')" [ngStyle]="{'color': 'red'}" align="start">Le prénom est requis.</md-hint>
            <input formControlName="lastName" mdInput placeholder="Nom" />
            <md-hint *ngIf="patient.hasError('required', 'person.lastName')" [ngStyle]="{'color': 'red'}" align="start">Le nom est requis.</md-hint>
        <div class="fields-row" formGroupName="person">
            <input formControlName="address" mdInput placeholder="Adresse (rue et numéro)">
        <div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutAlign="start none" class="fields-row" formGroupName="person">
          <md-input-container formGroupName="city" style="width:30%;">
            <input formControlName="zipCode" mdInput placeholder="NPA">
          <md-input-container formGroupName="city">
            <input formControlName="name" mdInput placeholder="Localité">
            <md-hint *ngIf="patient.hasError('required', '') || patient.hasError('required', '')"
              [ngStyle]="{'color': 'red'}" align="start">La personne doit au moins avoir une localité comme adresse.</md-hint>

      <md-card class="patient-info">
          <input type="number" formControlName="patientNumber" mdInput placeholder="Numéro du patient">

    <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="start none" class="fields-column right-part" formGroupName="person">
      <md-card class="comm-info">
          <input formControlName="phone" mdInput placeholder="Téléphone">
          <input formControlName="email" mdInput placeholder="E-Mail">
          <md-hint *ngIf="patient.get('').value && patient.hasError('pattern', '')" [ngStyle]="{'color': 'red'}" align="start">E-Mail non valide.</md-hint>

      <md-card class="other-info">
          <input mdInput dfInputDate formControlName="birthDate" [mdDatepicker]="birthDatePicker" placeholder="Date de naissance">
          <button mdSuffix [mdDatepickerToggle]="birthDatePicker"></button>
        <md-datepicker #birthDatePicker></md-datepicker>
        <md-select formControlName="gender" placeholder="Genre (sexe)">
          <md-option value="male">Masculin</md-option>
          <md-option value="female">Féminin</md-option>
          <md-option value="unknown">Inconnu</md-option>
        <md-hint *ngIf="patient.hasError('required', 'person.gender')" [ngStyle]="{'color': 'red', 'font-size': '75%'}" align="start">Le genre est requis.</md-hint>
          <input formControlName="avsNumber" mdInput placeholder="N° AVS">
          <md-hint *ngIf="patient.hasError('pattern', 'person.avsNumber')" [ngStyle]="{'color': 'red'}" align="start">N° AVS non valide.</md-hint>
        <md-select formControlName="languageIsoCode" placeholder="Langue">
          <md-option value="fr">Français</md-option>
          <md-option value="de">Allemand</md-option>
          <md-option value="it">Italien</md-option>
          <md-option value="en">Anglais</md-option>


ThomasBurleson added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 28, 2017
The host `class` attribute should be considered static and should not be used as a ClassDirective selector. This means that with responsive APIs, the ClassDirective will not be instantiated for elements using only the `class` attribute.

* Use the `class` attribute as a responsive fallback value only.
* Improve support of the ngClass directive for string and object assignments.

Fixes #393.
@ThomasBurleson ThomasBurleson added P1 Urgent issue that should be resolved before the next re-lease bug labels Aug 28, 2017
@ThomasBurleson ThomasBurleson added this to the v2.0.0-beta.10 milestone Aug 28, 2017
@ThomasBurleson ThomasBurleson added the has pr A PR has been created to address this issue label Aug 28, 2017
ThomasBurleson added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 28, 2017
The host `class` attribute should be considered static and should not be used as a ClassDirective selector. This means that with responsive APIs, the ClassDirective will not be instantiated for elements using only the `class` attribute.

* Use the `class` attribute as a responsive fallback value only.
* Improve support of the ngClass directive for string and object assignments.

Fixes #393.
ThomasBurleson added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 28, 2017
… be used as a ClassDirective selector. This means that without associated responsive APIs, the ClassDirective will not be instantiated for elements using only the `class` attribute.

* Use the `class` attribute as a responsive fallback value only.
* Improve support of the ngClass directive for string and object assignments.

Fixes #393.
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@crabouif - Here is a working Plunkr rendering your template (using Beta.9).

screen shot 2017-08-28 at 12 25 42 pm

I do not see any issues.

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Splaktar commented Aug 28, 2017

I'm seeing this too now that I've updated to beta.9. This wasn't an issue in beta.8. The exception points to the following element:

<span class="autoCompleteSeparator">-</span>

That element is contained in the following div:

<div fxLayout="row" fxLayoutWrap fxLayoutAlign="start center" [formGroup]="parentForm">

It only occurs if I've interacted with the component and then clicked on an element that navigates me away (where the component will be destroyed).

ThomasBurleson added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 28, 2017
… be used as a ClassDirective selector. This means that without associated responsive APIs, the ClassDirective will not be instantiated for elements using only the `class` attribute.

* Use the `class` attribute as a responsive fallback value only.
* Improve support of the ngClass directive for string and object assignments.

Fixes #393.
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@Splaktar - this should be fixed in PR #394

ThomasBurleson added a commit that referenced this issue Aug 31, 2017
… be used as a ClassDirective selector. This means that without associated responsive APIs, the ClassDirective will not be instantiated for elements using only the `class` attribute.

* Use the `class` attribute as a responsive fallback value only.
* Improve support of the ngClass directive for string and object assignments.

Fixes #393.
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I am also facing this issue even with latest release 2.0.0-beta.9

ThomasBurleson added a commit that referenced this issue Sep 5, 2017
The host `class` attribute should be considered static and should not be used as a ClassDirective selector.

This means that without associated responsive APIs,
the ClassDirective will not be instantiated for elements using only the `class` attribute.

* Use the `class` attribute as a responsive fallback value only.
* Improve support of the ngClass directive for string and object assignments.

Fixes #393.
tinayuangao pushed a commit that referenced this issue Sep 7, 2017
…ve. (#394)

The host `class` attribute should be considered static and should not be used as a ClassDirective selector.

This means that without associated responsive APIs,
the ClassDirective will not be instantiated for elements using only the `class` attribute.

* Use the `class` attribute as a responsive fallback value only.
* Improve support of the ngClass directive for string and object assignments.

Fixes #393.
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roelzkie15 commented Oct 18, 2017

I had the same issue when using flex-layout beta.9 but was able to fix this by downgrading to beta.8

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bug has pr A PR has been created to address this issue P1 Urgent issue that should be resolved before the next re-lease
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6 participants