1.6 - Moore
This is a minor release which is tied to Angular 5.1. For more details about this release, see our blog post about Angular 5.1.
For a complete list of bug fixes and new features, please go back to previous 1.6 RCs and Betas.
Bug Fixes
- @angular/cli: Prevent showing options with visible false (7bb6b52)
Special Thanks
A big thank you to everyone who participated in this release:
Filipe Silva, Charles Lyding, Hans Larsen, Mike Brocchi, Yaroslav Admin, Saff, Olivier Combe, cexbrayat, Wykks, Ward Bell, Trotyl, Michał Gołęowski-Owczarek, Mathou54, Job, David, Cyrille Tuzi, Anthony Leveillee, Alex Rickabaugh, Alan Agius