List of useful cheatsheets
Inspired by @sindresorhus awesome and improved by these amazing contributors.
If you see a link here is not fit, you can fix it or provide a better link by submitting a PR to improve this file. Thank you!
- Platforms
- Programming Languages
- Software Testing
- Front-End Development
- Back-End Development
- Big Data
- Theory
- Books
- Editors
- Tools
- Development Environment
- Entertainment
- Databases
- Media
- Security
- Content Management System
- Project Management
- Miscellaneous
- Android-Cheatsheet-For-Graphic-Designers
- Arduino_Cheat_Sheet.pdf
- docker
- ios-cheat-sheet
- saltstack
- nginx-cheatsheet
- Ada-cheat-sheet
- assembly-cheat-sheet
- coffeescript_cheatsheet
- c-ansi-cheat-sheet
- c#-cheat-sheet
- cpp-cheat-sheet
- clojure-cheat-sheet
- clojurescript-cheat-sheet
- dart-cheat-sheet
- delphi-cheat-sheet
- dotnet-cheat-sheet
- elixir-cheat-sheet
- elm-cheat-sheet
- erlang-cheat-sheet
- emoji-cheat-sheet
- f#-cheat-sheet
- flow-cheat-sheet
- golang-cheat-sheet
- java-cheat-sheet
- javascript-cheat-sheet
- lisp-cheat-sheet
- lua-cheat-sheet
- objective-c-cheat-sheet
- ocaml-cheat-sheet
- python-cheat-sheet
- php-cheat-sheet
- perlcheat
- r-cheat-sheet
- racket-cheat-sheet
- ragel-cheat-sheet
- rebol-cheat-sheet
- ruby-cheat-sheet
- rust-cheat-sheet
- scala-cheat-sheet
- scheme-cheat-sheet
- shell-cheat-sheet
- solidity
- smalltalk-cheat-sheet
- swift cheatsheet
- tcl-cheat-sheet
- typescript-cheat-sheet
- angular2
- angularjs
- SCSS cheatsheet
- CSS Flex Box
- sass/SCSS functions cheatsheet
- ember-js
- es6-cheatsheet
- font-awesome
- jquery
- react-cheatsheet
- react-native-cheat-sheet
- react-native-styling-cheat-sheet
- redux
- underscore-cheat-sheet
- webpack
- <head> Cheat Sheet
- page-load Cheat Sheet
- Bootstrap 4
- jest-cheat-sheet
- flexbox-cheatsheet
- vue-cheatsheet
- CouchDB Cheatsheet
- Db2 CheatSheet for development
- Elasticsearch
- MongoDb-cheat-sheet
- mysql-cheat-sheet
- Oracle_Programming
- postgresql
- sql-join-cheat-sheet
- acm-cheat-sheet
- bigo
- Theoretical Computer Science Cheat Sheet
- regular-expression-cheat-sheet
- rest-foundations-restful
- a_vi_vim_graphical_cheat_sheet_tutorial
- GNU Emacs
- IntellJ IDEA
- MarkDown Cheat Sheet
- Eclipse
- Atom
- NetBeans
- Sublime Text 3
- PHPStorm - Mac/Win
- Notepad++
- awk-nawk-and-gawk-cheat-sheet
- curl
- dtrace and stap
- GDAL/OGR command-line tools
- Git Cheat Sheet and Git Flow
- Kafka
- latexsheet
- mac-command-line-cheatsheet
- matlab-cheatsheet
- Mobaxterm
- Octave-cheatsheet
- rspec
- RSpec cheatsheet
- svn
- sed-stream-editor-cheat-sheet
- terminal-mac-cheatsheet
- tmux
- Unix Toolbox
- sysadmin
- systemtap-cheat-sheet
- Zypper Command Line Tool Cheatsheat