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Andres Gomez Casanova edited this page Oct 20, 2016 · 6 revisions

UPDATE: The project is currently at

This project is a copy of the sources form the release files of the BenchmarkSQL project.

There is not LICENSE file in the release files, however in the project's homepage in SourceForge it says the project has a license GPL v2. That means that I can modify the code, if I publish it and license it under the same terms.

There are some bugs in the released files:

  • Version 2.2. There is a zip problem.
  • Version 4.0.3. There are coding problem. Also, the Mac files not included.
  • Version 4.0.4. There are coding problem. Also, the Mac files not included.

There is another project that takes the sources from SourceForge, however it was a short time development:

This article explain a real test using BenchmarkSQL. You can use it in order to create your own performance test:

This is another article where a test is explained, however it only uses Postgres:


This is the installation process in order to run BenchmarkSQL in your database. You can see a working example by looking at Travis-CI (DB2 part).

First, you need to change the paths of the batch files.

  • Change to the bin directory
    • cd bin
  • Open the file.
  • In the myCP= variable, please include the location of the DB2 java driver. Then, save and close the file.
  • myCP=/opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/java/db2jcc4.jar
  • Open the file.
  • Include the DB2 java driver in the classpath. Put the driver after the first colon. Then, save and close the file.
  • -cp .:...
  • -cp .:/opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/java/db2jcc4.jar:...
  • Open the file.
  • Perform the same task as in the previous step: include the DB2 java driver in the classpath.
  • Modify the connection parameters according to your environment:
  • Database name
  • Hostname
  • Instance port
  • Connection username
  • Password

Once the scripts are correctly configured, you can proceed to create the test environment.

./ props.db2 sqlTableCreates_DB2
./ props.db2 numWarehouses 1
./ props.db2 sqlIndexCreates_DB2
./ props.db2

If you want to check the execution, you can open the following files

  • cat log/BenchmarkSQLError.log
  • cat log/benchmarksql.log
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