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Geckium Public Beta 1.3

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@dominichayesferen dominichayesferen released this 23 Oct 19:56
· 476 commits to main since this release

official Geckium release artwork

Welcome to the third hotfix build of Geckium Public Beta 1!

Updating Geckium?

To update Geckium, simply delete your Firefox Profile's chrome folder (use about:support to find your Firefox Profile per the instructions on Geckium's README), and then copy the below Public Beta 1.3 ZIP file's Profile Folder -> chrome folder in its place, before finally closing and opening Firefox. Geckium will handle the rest automatically.

Changes since Beta 1.2

  • Improved Korean Translations by @hywol in #225
  • Improved RU translation by @KonaloboStudio in #232
  • about:about is no longer replaced by the About dialog @angelbruni
  • Chromium Themes now use the inactive_tab_background_v value, if using System Borders, as Google intended @dominichayesferen
  • Chromium Themes accommodation will now give manifest 2+ themes the inactive_tab_background_v value if they are missing it @dominichayesferen
  • Chromium 58 now falls back to inactive_tab_background, as a secondary fallback, if using System Borders @dominichayesferen
  • Implementation of the Dino minigame by @ImSwordQueen in #211
  • It's now Firefox Themes' turn on the 'log spam' train @dominichayesferen (bruni asked me to)

New Contributors

Full Changelog: b0.20.2.1...b0.20.3

Geckium is in an Early Beta stage

Non-English-speaking Geckium users may find parts of Geckium's user interface are written in [!!! ƥƨèúδôℓôçáℓè !!!] - this means there hasn't yet been a translation for that string in your language - if you see any, please fork the repository, translate the dtd/properties files in locale accordingly, then send a Pull Request to this repository containing the localised strings!

Aside from having incomplete localisation for non-English Geckium users, please remember that due to Geckium being in an Early Beta state, there are many things missing from Geckium currently, including:

  • Material Design 1 (or 58, is incomplete and seriously buggy)
  • Floating Bookmarks Bar has a buggy background that is either incorrect or is misaligned with the new tab background
  • Misc. Downloads Shelf behaviour such as dragging a download
  • Error Pages, such as phishing
  • Styling for the Downloads page
  • Geckium and Firefox Updates from the About dialog/page (Geckium's current update checker is a placeholder until a better, automated, update experience is implemented in the future)
  • Profile Titlebar Button
  • Preventing the Downloads popup from appearing when downloading a file

These are all planned to be added in future Beta releases.

Please report bugs in the Issues tab of this repository.