Application allows convenient control of Clevo keyboard LED backlight. In addition it restores lights settings after startup and returning from suspend state.
- system tray icon
- persisting application settings
- restoring LED seetings after suspension / hibernation
- turning LED off durning screen saver
- detection of LED settings changed externally
- Clevo based device
- tuxedo-keyboard driver
- PyQt5
- watchdog
It's recommended to install PyQt5 by apt install python3-pyqt5
For more info about installing tuxedo-keyboard driver visit:
Application requires that user have permission to write to driver's sysfs files. To do so run to add udev rule permitting clevo-keyboard group to modify the files. Then add Your user to the group. It might require rebooting the system.
To run application try one of:
- run src/clevokbdctl
- run src/clevokeyboardcontrol/
- execute
cd src; python3 -m clevokeyboardcontrol
Application can be run in profiler mode passing --profile as command line parameter.
To run tests execute src/
or cd src; python3 -m testclevokeyboardcontrol
. It can be run with code profiling
and code coverage options.
In addition there is demo application not requiring installed drivers. It can be run by testclevokeyboardcontrol/gui/
You can easily add application to autostart by running No special proviledges required.
- clevokeyboardcontrol.main -- entry point for the application
- testclevokeyboardcontrol -- unit tests for the application
- properly killing (Ctrl+C) PyQt (
- loading of UI files and inheriting from it
- code profiling (cProfile)
- code coverage (coverage)
- add support for old clevo-wmi driver
- add keyboard sleep option (after certain inactivity)