This is a QA Automation project for Crown Clothing, a sohpisticated online clothing store. It consists of automated tests written in Cypress, including authentication with Email/Password or Google.
To run this project, you'll need to set up a Firebase project and register a web app to handle Email/password and Google authentication. You can follow instructions in this video to create a project and register an app. The next steps are:
- Go to the Firebase Console and open your project.
- On the sidebar expand Build, click Authentication, click the Sign-in method tab
- Enable Email/Password (not Email link) and Google (if you haven’t already)
- On the sidebar, click the gear icon ⚙️ next to Project Overview, then click Project settings
- On the General tab, scroll down to Your apps.
- For the Web App you configured in the previous steps, under SDK setup configuration, enter the details in the
object in a .env file in your project root in this format (replace each{value}
with actual values, without any quotes or braces):
- On the same page, go to the Service account tab and click on Generate new private key, then confirm the download by clicking Generate key.
- Rename the downloaded file to serviceAccount.json and put it in the root of your project.
NOTE: For security reasons, do NOT commit your .env file or your serviceAccount.json file. Both have already been added to the .gitignore for the project.
- Node.js installed globally
- yarn installed globally
- Firebase Authentication set up from the previous section
Open terminal/command propmt, navigate to the project folder and run:
Start the development server by running:
yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to explore the application.
To run tests, one Email/Password user and one Google user need to be set up:
- On the application, sign up for an account Email/Password account using the Sign up form on the /auth page. You should be redirected to the home page after successful sign up.
- To add a Google user, sign out by clicking the Sign out button on the top navbar.
- Click Sign in with Google, then enter the credentials for the Google account you want to use for testing. You'll be redirected to the home page again after successful login.
- Go to your Firebase console. Under Build > Authentication > Users, verify that the Email/Password and Google users were added successfully.
- Copy the User UID to your .env file in this format:
GOOGLE_USER_UID={Google user's UID}
EMAIL_USER_UID={Email user's UID}
EMAIL_USER_EMAIL={Email user's email address}
EMAIL_USER_PASSWORD={Email user's email password}
NOTE: For security reasons, make sure you use a test email address. You can use the same email account for both login types, as long as it's a Gmail account.
To open Cypress when the application is already running, open a new terminal and navigate to the project folder then run:
yarn cypress:open
To run the application and open Cypress in the same terminal, from the project folder run:
yarn start-and-open-cypress
In the Cypress window, select E2E Testing, pick the browser you want to run the tests in and click Start E2E Testing in {Browser}. Under cypress/e2e, select the test you want to run.
If you're a QA enthusiast like me, please connect with me on LinkedIn (Aneesa Saleh). If you have any questions, suggestions or need assistance running the project, feel free to email me at [email protected].