This site is based on Octopress, which in turn is based on Jekyll, with a dash of Twitter Bootstrap added.
The develop branch is continuously deployed to a preview site. View dev site
The develop branch is merged to production weekly (unless we need to do a release sooner than that).
The master branch is continuously deployed to production.
Submit all pull requests to the develop branch
Before your pull request can be merged into the develop branch, you must submit a completed CLA.
Before you get started, SendGrid requires that a SendGrid Contributor License Agreement (CLA) be filled out by every contributor to a SendGrid open source project.
Our goal with the CLA is to clarify the rights of our contributors and reduce other risks arising from inappropriate contributions. The CLA also clarifies the rights SendGrid holds in each contribution and helps to avoid misunderstandings over what rights each contributor is required to grant to SendGrid when making a contribution. In this way the CLA encourages broad participation by our open source community and helps us build strong open source projects, free from any individual contributor withholding or revoking rights to any contribution.
SendGrid does not merge a pull request made against a SendGrid open source project until that pull request is associated with a signed CLA. Copies of the CLA are available here.
When you create a Pull Request, after a few seconds, a comment will appear with a link to the CLA. Click the link and fill out the brief form and then click the "I agree" button and you are all set. You will not be asked to re-sign the CLA unless we make a change.
- Required:
- Git
- Xcode
- Java
- Rvm
- Yaml
- Homebrew
- npm
- git-flow
- bundler gem
- bower
Install Git for:
Install a GitGUI(if you want it) for:
Install Xcode (if you don't have it installed. Go the App Store an download it)
Install Xcode command line tools > Xcode > Preferences > Downloads (These are bundled in Xcode as of OSX 10.9)
- Note: You may need to run $ xcode-select --install
Install JDK
The yui compressor will need the full JDK to run - -
Install RVM
$ \curl -L []( | bash -s stable --ruby
Close and reopen your terminal window
Check which version of Ruby you have
$ ruby -v
The very latest stable version (2.4.0) isn't compatible with the gems we use for the build, so you'll probably need to download version 2.3.0.
$ rvm install 2.3.0
then set that version to be the default version
$ rvm --default use 2.3.0
Install Homebrew (if you don't have it)
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install YAML
$ brew install libyaml
Install npm
$ brew install npm
Set your Node version
$ npm install -g n
$ n 6.10.1
install git flow to manage branches ( (optional)
$ brew install git-flow
clone repo
$ git clone [](
OR use the GitGUI tool to clone the repo
switch to develop branch to make changes
$ ls docs
$ git checkout develop
install bundle (if you don't have this installed)
$ sudo gem install bundler
Go to your docs directory
$ cd docs
Install the build tools
$ npm install
to install build tools.
Install bower
$ npm install -g bower
Install client-side dependencies (jQuery, bootstrap)
$ bower install
to install client-side dependencies.
Install required Ruby gems
$ bundle install
If the gem installation fails with a message like "An error occurred while installing libv8 (, and Bundler cannot continue", a few extra steps will be necessary in order to build and install a version of V8 that can be used by the libv8 and therubyracer gems:
$ gem uninstall libv8
$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew install --force v8-315
$ bundle config build.libv8 "--with-system-v8 --with-v8-dir=$(brew --prefix v8-315)"
$ sudo gem install therubyracer -v '0.12.2'
$ bundle config build.therubyracer "--with-v8-dir=$(brew --prefix v8-315)"
$ bundle install
Copy, DO NOT DELETE the _config.sample.yml file - definitely do not commit a delete of this file !
$ cp _config.sample.yml _config.yml
Edit the following items in the _config.yml "Jekyll & Plugins" section to match your local environment:
source: /path_to_your_files/source_
(if you're running locally path_to_your_files will be/)_
destination: /path_to_your_files/public
For example:
The source would be: /Users/USERNAME/docs/source
The destination would be: /Users/USERNAME/docs/public
Do the following instead of Jekyll serve:
$ bundle exec rake preview
Note: if you receive an error message similar to "No Java Runtime Present: Requesting Install" please see the following instructions
Open your Terminal
java -version gives you an error and a popup
Get the mac download here
Install it
In your terminal, type:
export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home"
run java -version again If that worked, then add the above command to your .bash_profile or .profile file and then run 'source .profile'
- Browse to localhost:4000
The source files are in
, and the generated files will be created in/public
. They get overwritten or wiped out when the site is rebuilt. -
To rebuild the site, [control][c] to cancel the build, and then [bundle exec rake preview] to restart it.
The config is defined in _config.yml
The only config variables you should need to know about are root
, which is the root from which all links are calculated, and the folder_weights
hash, which specifies the order that the folders should be displayed in the nav tree. Higher weights mean higher display priority (higher in the tree). You can also specify icons for folders with the
There's also a version
number in the config.
The nav tree is generated by the plugin site_navigation.rb
. It is essentially a recursive traversal of all the folders and pages in the Source folder that generates a hierarchical tree, sorted by folder weight and page weight.
Breadcrumbs are generated by the breadcrumbs.rb
You can write pages in markdown, HTML, or HAML. They all get converted to HTML when the site is generated.
Pages have a block of YAML at the top that sets a few options. They are pretty self-explanatory; here's an example
layout: page
weight: 0
title: Docs Home
icon: icon-home
showTitle: false
show: true
Weights are same as the folder weights - the higher numbers move higher up the tree. Icons are based on the CSS icon class names from Twitter Bootstrap. showTitle and navigation["show"] both default to true if not specified.
Various fields pertinent to SEO can be controlled through the YAML front matter. Here's an example:
title: Really Great Documentation - SendGrid Documentation | SendGrid
override: true
description: This is some really great documentation! I hope you like it!
By default <title>
tags follow the template {Page Title} {Site Title}
. However the page title can be changed for the purpose of the tag by using seo["title"]
. seo["override"]
will override the entire template, instead making the title page {seo["title"]}
. description
and canonical
change their respective tags.
There are some custom plugins (look in the plugins
folder) that define new liquid blocks for use in pages.
You can create anchor tags that will have named anchors generated for them automatically with links on hover. The parameter is the wrapping element to use.
{% anchor h2 %}
Some Anchor Text
{% endanchor %}
Similarly you can create info and warning blocks:
{% info %}
Some info for a breakout block.
{% endinfo %}
{% warning %}
...And a warning breakout.
{% endwarning %}
If you are working on API reference docs, you can generate XML and JSON nav tabs and the corresponding example calls and responses like so:
{% apiexample identifier GET http://some.endpoint.url var1=stuff&var2=junk %}
{% response json %}
{ "foo": "bar" }
{% endresponse %}
{% response xml %}
{% endresponse %}
{% endapiexample %}
The parameters for the apiexample
block are: unique identifier, HTTP
method, the url (excluding .json or .xml extension), and the data
payload in querystring format.
JavaScript and CSS are minified and combined. The files to be packaged and their orders are specified in _includes/head.html
and CssMinify.yml
. Preprocessing and options can be specified
via _plugins/jekyll_asset_pipeline.rb
SendGrid is guided and supported by the SendGrid Developer Experience Team. It is maintained and funded by SendGrid, Inc. The names and logos are trademarks of SendGrid, Inc.
Jobs to be done style includes:
- Table of contents at the beginning
- "Additional Resources" section at the end
- Include sections to achieve the goal, with steps for each task (numbered steps, clear directions and correct UI workflow) For an example, see Sending a Campaign
"Additional Resources" is an h2 section that contains three to five bullet points with links out to other closely related pages. These pages could be SendGrid blogs or docs pages with information about next steps, use cases, or other things a user should consider when they are completing the task on the page. Every page should have an additional resources page, so if it doesn't, feel free to add one!
Here is an example "Additional Resources" section:
Here is example formatting:
{% anchor h2 %}
Additional Resources
{% endanchor h2 %}
- [link text]({{root_url}}/User_Guide/Marketing_Campaigns/design_editor.html#-Using-Custom-HTML)(
- [link text]({{root_url}}/User_Guide/Marketing_Campaigns/design_editor.html#-Using-Custom-HTML)(
- [link text]({{root_url}}/User_Guide/Marketing_Campaigns/design_editor.html#-Using-Custom-HTML)(
This is a spellchecker functionality using node-markdown-spellcheck node package.
# (pull code updates before this)
# install updated npm package dependencies!
npm install
# generates report of misspellings
npm run spellcheck
# generates report of misspellings of [filename]
npm run spellcheck-file [filename]
Also .spelling
contains a list of custom words added to the dictionary.
This still needs work! Many, many words in tech jargon come back as incorrect. The best way I've found to solve this issue without too much overhead work:
- Run
npm run spellcheck
- Edit
to include the words that are coming back incorrect but are correct!