This repository provides a tutorial on calibrating Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) data using the EISPAC package in Python. The tutorial covers two calibration methods:
- Warren et al. 2014 calibration
- Del Zanna et al. 2023 calibration (currently in review)
The tutorial covers the following topics:
- Reading and fitting EIS data using EISPAC
- Retrieving and applying the Warren et al. 2014 and Del Zanna et al. 2023 calibration functions
- Comparing the calibrated intensity maps with the default EISPAC preflight calibration
- Comparing the calibration results between IDL and Python implementations
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to calibrate EIS data using different methods and compare the results between Python and IDL implementations.
I think the tutorial makes it look a bit more complex than it is. To apply calibration to an eispac map 'int_map', you just have to do:
from eis_calibration.eis_calib_2023 import calib_2023
# Example code
int_map = ... # Load or create your eispac map
calibrated_map = calib_2023(int_map)