A Flarum extension. Adds a bottom tab on mobile.
Install with composer:
composer require acpl/mobile-tab
composer update acpl/mobile-tab
php flarum cache:clear
These instructions are for Flarum 2.0. For Flarum 1.x documentation, please refer to: Flarum 1.x Guide
You can add, modify, and delete items in the mobile tab using your own extension. Read: https://docs.flarum.org/2.x/extend/extending-extensions
as your extension's composer dependency or add it as an optional dependency in yourcomposer.json
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You can now import and use mobile tab components in your extension. Here are some examples of how to modify the mobile tab:
import { extend } from "flarum/common/extend";
import LinkButton from 'flarum/common/components/LinkButton';
import MobileTab from "ext:acpl/mobile-tab/forum/components/MobileTab";
export default () => {
// Extend the items method of MobileTab prototype
extend(MobileTab.prototype, "items", (items) => {
// Add new item
icon="fas fa-star"
// Add new item using custom HTML
items.add("my-item", <div>...This is my custom item</div>, 70);
// Remove item
If you are using TypeScript, add the following path to your tsconfig.json to enable type hints for the mobile tab components in your code editor:
"extends": "flarum-tsconfig",
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"ext:acpl/mobile-tab/forum": [