REST API with AWS infra
- For requests from North America: ALIAS to at CloudFront Distribution (Price class only North America and Europe) with Origins at North America
- For requests from Europe: ALIAS to at CloudFront Distribution (Price class only North America and Europe) with Origins at Europe
- API Gateway + Lambda + Lambda Authorizer
- ALB + ECS/Fargate service (api-use1-blue)
- S3 bucket for static (
- S3 bucket for uploads with presigned urls (
- DynamoDB
- API Gateway + Lambda + Lambda Authorizer
- ALB + ECS/Fargate service (api-euw1-blue)
- S3 bucket for static (
- S3 bucket for uploads with presigned urls (
- DynamoDB
- DNS Records for ACM certificate
- GEO DNS Records for CloudFront Distributions
- ECR Repositories for API and Authorizer Lambdas
- ACM cert for CloudFronts
- CloudFront Distibution
- S3 bucket for static
- S3 bucket for uploads
- DynamoDB table
- Subnets
- Route Tables
- NAT gateways
- Internet Gateways
- VPC Endpoints
- Fargate Service API
- ALB for Fargate Service API